anagram 110201

[01 Nov 2001|06:12pm]
i'm home! some of it was beauty and some was absolutely horrific. details in ana2 after i decompress

what i did on halloween:
actually i was so overstimulated and freaked that i sat in my hotel room staring at my ceiling with the tv as the ambient background score to my anxiety nightmare :(

when the sally show will air:
they said in a few weeks...but i hope they NEVER air it. they were SO deceitful to me telling me that the show was going to be about a particular topic and then changing the topic to something that had nothing to do with me whatsoever. most people would say "duh!"...i knew they were a bunch of slimeballs but i didn't know to to THAT extent. sally jesse is just a hollow exoskeleton of pure evil and bitterness. i'm surprised no one has offed her yet!

the dogs:
the dogs are taught to go in a litter box. they are as small as cats. but when i leave i guess they retaliate

[01 Nov 2001|06:55pm]
oh and yes...i see ( and smell ) the lovely art project the pupsters made for me while i was gone :(
still it's good to be home and i smoosh their little puffin heads with glee :)

i will say one thing.....the french quarter of new orleans is a pigstye (something the dogs have recreated for me in anticipation of me arrival home ) . i thought it had a bit of charm 10 years ago...but now that charm has also gone from what i saw...although the food is still delicious!

my pxl 2000 arrived at the hotel the day i arrived, and like idiots...they sent it back to the sender because they had not notified everyone that deals with their mail that i was expecting a package :/
so that was 1/2 the reason i went there to begin with down the drain.

thanks to banshee for showing me this link:


[02 Nov 2001|10:47am]
here's my horror-scope for today ( aries ):

Your emotions may be feeling vulnerable today, Ana, and it may be hard to
find shelter from the storm. Your umbrella is pulling you in the wind, and
rain is leaking on you through tears in the fabric. Comfort yourself by coming
to center and enjoying a quiet evening at home. Don't let other people's unsolved
problems disturb your space. Differentiate between issues that you can do something
about, and those that are simply beyond your control."

no lie no lie no lie....

[02 Nov 2001|07:55pm]
mending my spirit
staring at nothing

it's gonna take me a few days before i can sort it all out and speak about it, if at all
sorry :(

[03 Nov 2001|09:45am]
i'm feeling a tad bit better. i am healing slowly buy surely.
gonna take a lot of echinacea today. i feel run down.
for members, there is a new anagram up :)
i have to do all the anacam biz stuff now, which will take about an hour

[03 Nov 2001|10:19am]
jason brought me a big pancake :)
i'm sorting through more pictures to make another anagram

[03 Nov 2001|12:34pm]
i'm listening to mtv radio 81-85

still working on anacam biz and
also another new anagram. i need to get more pix off my laptop and my nikon coolpix

does anyone know where i could buy the cdrom that has the drivers for the nikon coolpix 990?
i cannot find them anywhere. i've looked everywhere online i can think of!

[03 Nov 2001|12:42pm]
ok, mtvradio 81-85 sucks ass.
gonna click on radiohead radio

[03 Nov 2001|03:26pm]
yet another new anagram up in ana2 :)

listening radiohead radio's playing a band called Nigo a song called "too much" from their album "apesounds"
it sounds very cool :)