anagram 100500
i made the thumbnails super small.
just 2 bug ya :)

Thursday, September 28th, 2000

2:47p i am counting how many pictures are in each month's anagrams.
yesterday i bought a camera that u cam take pictures underwater!
so i am gonna take some under water pictures of me in the tub :)
i also got more time zero film
and a leopart print coat that i lovvvvve :)
and i got some nice black sheets for the bed :)

4:46p i'm counting how many pictures i have in ana2's anagram section.
i got through 1998 and 1999, i still have to tackle is interesting to go back and reminisce about all the pictures :)

here is what i have so far:

december 1998
(16 anagrams containing 128 campix and 19 other pix=147 total pix)

january 1999
(22 anagrams containing 196 campix and 9 other pix= 205 total pix)

(21 anagrams containing 217 campix and 27 other pix= 244 total pix)

(13 anagrams containing 206 campix and 9 other pix=215 total pix)

(13 anagrams containing 248 campix and 3 other pix=251 total pix)

(25 anagrams containing 331 campix and 50 other pix=381 total pix)

(19 anagrams containing 231 campix and 86 other pix=317 total pix)

(19 anagrams containing 337 campix and 11 other pix=348 total pix)

(17 anagrams containing 224 campix and 152 other pix=376 total pix)

(11 anagrams containing 145 campix and 11 other pix=156 total pix)

(14 anagrams containing 239 campix and 15 other pix=254 total pix)

(14 anagrams containing 185 campix and 6 other pix=191 total pix)

(14 anagrams containing 245 campix and 37 other pix=282 total pix)

so for 1999 , in the anagrams, there are:

202 anagrams containing:
2,804 campix
416 other pix
for a total of:
3,221 pictures in all!
i'll start doing the year 2000 later :)

Friday, September 29th, 2000

11:07a i'm awake! i'm awake. sorta :)

1:02p i want curtis 2 win :)

1:15p yesterday i got the weirdest thing in the mail. people sometimes ask me " what's the weirdest thing you've ever gotten in the mail from a fan". and i say that i got a pair of "speculi" (sp?) the tongs that eye doctors use to keep you eyes open.

so, yesterday i got 4 t shirts and one pair of pants that were worn by a antique furniture restorer. so there's tons of paint all over the clothes. and this person felt that these items of clothing were workd of art.

and i agree, they are pretty neat. so maybe odder still is that i'm wearing them now and wore them for pajamas last night :) too bad really that the pants are too big for me, so i want to figure out a way to make them fit.
they kinda slump down on my hips as the waist is 29 inches and the length is 33

they smell good, too. i wonder what kind of laundry deterrgent this person uses :)

1:32p wow, remember how mad i was at oprah for doing those stupid make over shows? and that i thought it was such a superficial thing, etc etc.
well, i subscribed to 'O" , oprah's magazine...and on page 33 she totally changed her mind about make over shows and she realizes that giving a person a hair ciut and new clothes is enough. change has to come from within.

anyway, that's why i like oprah :) she is always evolving and she admits when she was wrong

1:34p it's gonna feel weird when big brother is over tonight. when does the next one start? :)

3:37p treadmills
ok, i wanna buy a treadmill. nothing fancy. something compact.
any recommendations?

4:02p watch oprah today!

8:34p congrats eddie!!!

Current Mood: bouncy

9:12p big brother, etc
i wanted curtis to win ( after cassandra and brittany were banished..of course i loved brittany :)

but my second choice after that was eddie :)

so yay! i am very happy!
i wish they would show us the stuff AFTER!

it was very interesting to watch julie chen when not on air via tv...but internet.
i thought her personality was WAY cooler when she was on the internet vs. tv but she could switch between those to vibes in one second.

i still am in a quandry as to if i should enter the next big brother a few of u know ( that were paying attention )
i have been watching BB since it's first show ( but language barriers stopped me from fully understanding it )
and i would love to be on it..but the
challenges" are the thing that stops me ( for one )

i think i get along with alot of different types.

why would i do a show like BB?

the money.

because #1) i want the money. i want a house more than ANYTHING.
more than ANYTHING.
MORE THAN ANY thing (except love)

but i think they will see as another "brittany type" ( which i am not but would be very happy to meet her, as i feel we have a lot in common past our hair colour :)

anyway...yes.....whaddya think?

yay eddie! here's for "creative visualization", it's TRUE, what u want MORE than anything WILL come to u!!!!!

i also think maybe the BB show would NOT pick me because they thought i was yet another Britanny.
hey i have been through the entertainment biz tooth and nail....

so much more...


happy for eddie!!!!!!!
if anyone has any control over if i may get a message to curtis , let me know
i like that guy on many levels

curtis, cassandra, and brittany were my faves...
now after this...there is only ME 2 watch :)

hehe :)

it is a strange strange world!

Current Mood: cheerful

9:27p ok, i am going to reiterite

what treadmill should i buy?
i am not lookng for anything fancy. i don't need to know my heart ate, etc

any suggestions?

too bad livejournal has been down so much
please donate to the luvejournal fund

look in

as how to do that!

brad is paying for your livejournal right now. yes, RGHT NOW. so if u can.

that's why livejournal has been being so slow. lack of funds :/

Saturday, September 30th, 2000

3:17p i want 2 find the cheapest airfare tickets 2 L.A. so i can take my dad 2 the cirque du soleil thing there called "o" ..i know it's not spelled "o" , it's something more than thta...but it has 2 do with water...

Sunday, October 1st, 2000

2:07p i am hiding in the closet today with saint terese :) shhh.what are u doing?

Monday, October 2nd, 2000

11:49a i see that some people have customized their imood thing so that cooler cartoons show up than i have. like neko and stephanie. how do i change my imood cartoons?

jason left today for chicago for a biz thing. he comes back on wednesday. it feels so weird to have him gone. i already miss him :(

Wednesday, October 4th, 2000

12:42p i'm not feeling very well today

9:53p i'm starting 2 feel a little better

Thursday, October 5th, 2000

9:51a i need some coffee and a bath

9:07p i went out 2 do errands and get a sandwhich and ran into bill. it was his 40th birthday so i bought him dinner. i am now frantically trying 2 clean what i WAS going 2 clean today and eating the leftover chinese food we ate.
so much more 2 this story, but u know how that goes.
it's very cold outside...37 degrees and raining

Friday, October 6th, 2000

9:46a i am having such bad times making decisions lately. or getting anything done. i am overwhelmed. when i wake up, i don't want 2 wake up..i want 2 just sleep until my brain feels right again. i try to distract myself from the underlying always perveying feeling of discontent.
i need 2 clean the house
i need 2 get the bills in order
always this. i feel stupid for not being able to get the simplest of things done. i procrastinate until i am paralyzed by fear by it.
just wanna run away into a the ocean...back to the bed to watch movies i can lose myself into

maybe i'll be fine in an hour
i'm making an anagram

10:28a it's only 37 degrees here. the leaves are at their peak of colour. i'm listening 2 patsy cline. the pupsters are playing. i'm still wprking on the anagram. i have the oven on for heat ( elactric ) and it's still cold in here.