anagram 091401

[13 Sep 2001|04:55pm]
ah, i have finally reached maximum overload on the news. no more news, tv, or computers for awhile. windows open. 66 degrees. perfect.
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help the NYC rescue dogs! [13 Sep 2001|06:29pm]
Search and Rescue Dogs, currently engaged in efforts in New York City, are in great need of supplies such as booties and VetWrap to protect their feet from the sharp rubble. Some now have only burlap, which can endanger their footing and slows the search.
They also need of K9 eye/ear wash, and other first aid supplies.
Booties need to be sizes medium (Aussies and BC) and large (Labs, GSD, Rotties). Vet Wrap can be in 4" or 2" widths.
Send CLEARLY marked packages identified as:

New York City Offices
c/o Search and Response
61 Chambers Street
New York, N.Y. 10007

These supplies can be bought online at any of the dog supply catalogs as well as purchased at local pet shops and discount pet stores.
Let's help those heroic pups!
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$380 raised so far for the red cross :) [13 Sep 2001|07:38pm]
do you want to help?
details here:

and check out my free pictures in honour of american freedom here:
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an Arab Perspective [13 Sep 2001|08:50pm]
tsenft says:
"Start with yourself.
Here is one way to help spread peace that you can do from your chair. It doesn't require your physical presence, your money, or anything beyond what you normally do on the Net each day.

How many people living in the Middle East do you know? How many matter to you personally, so much so that you would want to go to their wedding, meet them for coffee in town or fly to their funeral? Commit to increase that number today, right now.

Right now is a scary time. There are so many people Americans are thinking about bombing, in the name of our freedom and safety. Israelis, Palistineans, Saudis, Pakistanis...

But how many of these people do you know personally? We're all Internet junkies here. We communicate with one another everyday via online interactive journals. So I ask you: why are we still pondering mass media-generated shots of children dancing with candy on the West Bank when we have the opportunity to SPEAK DIRECTLY ONLINE with adults who come from or are currently living in the Arab world?

Too many of us think these folks aren't educated enough, or wealthy enough, or articulate enough in English to be speaking about their life experiences on the Net. But they are. And I've found that many of them have more reasons to be outraged than I do. Yet they are still counselling peace. Some of these people even have Live Journals. habibi's journal is a good place to begin.

Tell me where you go to listen to voices other than your own. It would be nice to have a list in this item. I would like to learn from your experiences."

here is the link to that post
here is an excellent post by habibi , who is an Arab and gives a very good Arab perspective:

i'm making vindaloo chicken

[14 Sep 2001|12:42pm]
all i can say is read tsenft's LJ....the things she writes far supercedes anything i could say about all of this right now. her words and links are invaluable.

it's really grey here today. i don't think i'll be up to much. i'm super sleepy. still digesting all of this. i'm feeling rundown so i think napping is the best i can do to get myself back into better health in both body and mind.

deiter is sleeping upside down, and there's nothing cuter than that :)
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[14 Sep 2001|04:10pm]
i wish that this tragedy could have brought my mother and i closer. but all i can feel from her and her husband is them pushing christianity on me further like the end is near and i'm doomed to hell if i don't do things their way. i can't talk politics with my mom. she sounds like a tape recording of the media. and she seemed to think that just because americans are willing to die for the cause of wiping out terrorism, that this will assure our victory. she couldn't see the correlation between that and the people who were also willing to die that smashed the planes into the buildings. yes, so many willing to die. she said, " it's going to be like the war on drugs". ya, that really worked , didn't it?

i'm not saying i know what to do about any of this. all i know is that it's impossible to ever rid an entire planet of people who hate capitalism and america without creating even more people hating us by our violence. and such is the circle. i'm not saying "do nothing". i'm just saying i'm sad and this whole thing scares me. it's all just so much more than ridding of 1,000 more people on the planet. you can kill people, but you can't kill their dream. whether that's our dream or "their" dream.

it makes me sad
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GOOD vs. EVIL [14 Sep 2001|05:12pm]
you'd think that with the bible taken so literally by so many christian sects...that the commandment "thou shalt not kill" would mean something. i mean, you REALLY can't decipher that in any other way at all. it doesn't say " thou shalt not kill unless it's war". how is this so overlooked? how can people who think of themselves as "true christians" ( as in they take the bible pretty much literally and live a life like christ lived...which ...where are these people anyway? ) thinkk that killing even more people is ok? even putting OUR citizens on the line to be killed. and why is it that we have such a hard time grasping that a man would crash into the world's epicenter of world trade and give his life for what he believed in...but we will do exactly the same? how can we see these people as so different than we are? they feel that we are the root of all evil and will do anything to rid of us. we also think they are the root of all evil and will do anything to rid of them? sure, we say that america has never gone in and destroyed a people just out of nowhere in a time of "peace"...but really we HAVE. i mean, right now in new mexico indian reservations are quietly being removed so they can mine that land...or lets talk about the amazon rain forest...or how about the american indians that were here before we were? i mean, yes...THAT was a long time ago...but i'm just saying it's not like it's NEVER happened. it's not we are saints. and when america DOES finally find the thing it needs to blow up so we will feel a sense of justice and closure somehow....we will not also rejoice in the streets and pass out candy like we saw from that small clip on tv of a few people "way over there"?

also, i just don't get it how people can't understand that THOSE people don't get what in the heck is going on AND have no more control over what OUR government is going to do to "them". everyone wants to smash that woman's face in. do you REALLY think that she is educated in any facts regarding this? no. all she probably knows is that she sees terrorism daily. all she has known is poverty and violence. she has no power over there. she's just an old toothless woman who probably doesn't even own a tv. who knows? ALL she knows is what the government tells her. how can i fault her for dancing? she just isn't even at all a threat. she's just a pawn like so many of us are.

it was really irresponsible for TV to play that clip on tv so completely out of context. i mean how many people were on that video? about 20? i mean, how does that mean the entire nation feels that way? it doesn't. it's PROPOGANDA. and we play right into it the same wary they get played right into theirs.

this world is fucked up.

you can see the microcosm of it here on the internet. people sending out viruses. people flaming on forums. i have seen more times than i'd like to count some flame war happening on a forumm and some person coming in from another country and that person going " you americans are crazy!" as if that one forum depicted ALL of americans. i'm sure you've seen it too. why can't we just see how silly that it is?

i'm not saying we shouldn't do anything. i have to keep interjecting that i feel or else someone is going to take this as that i think crashing a plane and killing thousands is equal to a flame war. it's not EQUAL. but it's like it.

we are just in a time now where power is "equalizing" around the world over a lot of things. more people have weapons of mass destruction, more people know how to make a bomb of any kind, more people have guns, more people have more access to everything...information...everything, this is going to continue until it'll be pretty much like a 4th grader will figure out how to bomb a subway with anthrax.

it's just not WORKING anymore this whole BIG COUNTRY thing. things are not so black and white now. things are being individualized...but we still aren't seeing it that way.
TV makes this more and more like this. and the internet. there's no way to stop it. the power is being equalized.

what are we going to do about that? how do we fight that? when we don't have the luxury of saying " we'll just bomb THAT country" with it's neat little borders until they say "ok! we give in! you've killed enough of our people and destroyed enough of our buildings!"

i guess i don't see us, the human race, on the being evolved enough to see the complexity of this or be able to do anything rational about it that doesn't involve hitting each other over the head and the one with the biggest stick wins.

and that's why i'm scared. but i just have to let that go. there is nothing i can do about it except to create peace in the tiny space before me. so that's what i'm going to keep on doing.

i really don't see how there can be any closure to what has happened. life isn't a fairy tale that way. i think one of the things that is the most frustrating is the people who actually kiled all those people are already dead. they killed themselves before we could kill them. and that just pisses us off. we want to see them suffer.

but i think they did suffer. if you are suffering SO much that you will dedicate your life to fulfilling that one moment of violence....that is suffering. that person was in hell all their life. it's just like the people who go "postal"...they just don't know what to do with their fear. they are so afraid they don't even want to be on this planet.

i know it's not cool to actually have EMPATHY with the enemy here...but here i am having empathy with them and i know i'll be yelled at for it. and i know that i have definitely had murderous urges. it's not like i'm some sort of empathy saint. i can't count the times i've chopped people's heads off in my mind when i was angry and afraid at them. i feel that fear so intensely because i know i cannot reason with "my enemy", which would be "the rapist". the rapist feels he cannot reason with me. they feel they cannot reason with us...we feel they cannot reason with them.

and the really sad thing is WE CANNOT REASON with "THEM" . whoever "them" is for us.

i cannot even reason with my own MOTHER. i cannot even get any forum that is on my site to agree to things. no one can reason with ANYONE.

but u know what? this would ALL be OK if we just followed one simple rule "thou shalt not kill" we wouldn't HAVE to agree. thank god we do have the internet to have a lot of these "battles" and that there si no way that i can get my hands around your neck and there's no way you can get your hands around mine. we're animals. all of us. who cannot be reasoned with.

i mean, people even wanted to kill stacy after she tried to kill HERSELF. what the fuck?? there's people who want ME to die. it's insane. but they think I'M insane. no one can talk. it's the "tower of babel"

well, i guess i just needed to type that out. that's how i feel right now.
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brain meltdown [14 Sep 2001|07:57pm]
ok, *whew* , my typefest has ended for the day...or has it?
thank you everyone for all of your ideas and thoughts and heartspoken words whether i agreed with them or not :)
