
(1st two pix by stacy of atomcam)

pooka gets a bath :)

central park [12 Sep 2001|06:41pm]
does anyone know how all the smoke, dust, debris, asbestos has affected Central Park, if at all?
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[12 Sep 2001|07:25pm]
getting my life back to a sort of normalcy. all last week was so intense for me and then YESTERDAY. last night i slept and slept and all day today i slept and slept. man, i needed that. i still can't digest what happened or what will happen...which scares me even more.

it HAS put a perspective on things, tho. and little fights that jason and i were in and little things that were stressing me out that seemed so big now seem so meaningless in comparison to what happened yesterday. i give thanks even more now for what i have.

trying to get caught up in emails, phone calls, anacam biz, and smooshing my doglets lots.