i send love to my friends in nyc! [11 Sep 2001|01:16pm]
stacy, banshee, terri, ducky, all my friends in NYC...geoff,glenn...everyone
i just woke up to this..i can't think or comprehend...i am in shock...wow...
to everyone in nyc and washington dc...my thoughts and prayers are with you!
i'm speechless
everyone pray and give blood!
i'm up at jason's watching cnn...he came home from work and woke me up to
my god.
visualize angels. hold the power and thought of peace, not fear, as much as
you can. not only for the victims but also for the perpetrators so that they
may see the error of their ways and 'cause no further damage. let light enter
the hearts where their is darkness and pain and may us all be healed.
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don't feed the hate [11 Sep 2001|07:09pm]
read this from vidicon's LJ here:
here is an excerpt from his wonderful entry:
"As bad as it may seem, please don't spread the terror. I'm sitting here
at my desk and half-heartedly hacking Perl and listening to reporters talk
about the sizes of fireballs and who knew people on the 104th floors and such
and whether or not the movie "Fight Club" had any impact in influencing
this event.... And it's all the terrorists wishes coming true. Terror, panic,
and paranoia -- thanks to irresponsible sensationalist and often less-than-informative
supermedia outlets.
Please don't be a part of it. Do not spread terror to your friends and family.
What we are witnessing right now is an attempt to start a war -- an attempt to raise chaotic energies and direct them -- and just about anyone who can pinch a piece off and use it for their own ends will be making the attempt. You, personally, will be used as an unwitting tool unless you resist. For your own sake, take a deep breath and remind yourself that you are a sentient being in charge of making your own choices.
Fight the terror. Fight the panic. Fight the paranoia. Fight the upcoming increases in "us versus them" bigotry and prejudice. And fight the "fight or flight" response unless you personally are in danger, because right now, unless you are at peace, the enemy is inside you.
Sit quietly for half an hour, if you can spare it. Encourage others to do so, too.
Pass the peace."
here's another good one for a call to be peace warriors:
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ANGELS ARE EVERYWHERE [11 Sep 2001|08:01pm]
please, do not feed into the hate. that thoughtform will only spiral us into
deeper harm. which is exactly what the terrorists want, for they themselves
are in terror and are blinded by it.
hold the power and thought of peace, not fear, as much as you can. not only
for the victims but also for the perpetrators so that they may see the error
of their ways and 'cause no further damage. let light enter the hearts where
their is darkness and pain and may us all be healed.
angels are everywhere.
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peace homework [11 Sep 2001|10:46pm]
1) draw/paint/photoshop a picture of angels hovering over/surrounding/helping/healing
NYC, washington dc, the earth, your home, your friends, a photo of a person
in the disaster found on the internet.
and post it here, or in your LJ...anywhere. this will help to aid in the visualization
of healing, comfort, and peace for yourself and others who view it
2) do this same thing but use words
3) do this same thing but use sound
4) do this same thing but use whatever you have around you. toothpicks, rocks, soap carvings, mashed potatoes
5) cook peace soup
6) take a peace bath
7) have peace sex and imagine your orgasm as a healing beacon
8) have peace sleep
9) hug at least 7 people tomorrow and tell them to do the same