

my new favourite livejournal: moyoko
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[29 Aug 2001|02:36am]
my mom is coming here at 8am. that's in 5 1/2 hours. i am so not ready. i'm not cleaning, i'm surfing. and i must hide all things that will cause a controversy. well, i DID make and put up a new anagram, too.
i really wish this wasn't my horror-scope today:
"If you don't express yourself today, Ana, people might get the impression
that something is wrong. It could be that the person you are talking with thinks
that they are boring you. Make sure you contribute something to the conversation.
Strong opinions are likely to be shot back and forth, so don't forget that
yours is just as valid as everyone else's. Keep it lively and witty."

i am so NOT in the mood for conversation.
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[29 Aug 2001|02:20pm]
i went to sleep at 5am, mom came at 8am. she helped me move all the furniture around. she loves doing stuff like that like i do...except that i was dog tired. but we got A LOT done and i think my apt. is finally coming together :)
i really need to take a nap soon so i can go for a walk later on.

i found out the japanese screens are NOT from teh 20's but are actually around 300 years old!!!
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sound [29 Aug 2001|11:29pm]
nice thunder , lightning and rain outside :) i wonder if you can hear it with my sound?

being with my mom today was good :) we didn't talk about anything except decorating :)
she didn't want to be on cam, but she didn't mind the sound on, for some reason.
sebastian chewed the cord on one of my only good lamps and i get shocked by it so i unplugged it. if i wrapoped the cord with eleectric tape would that stop this problem?