[19 Aug 2001|03:18pm]
ok, i have 15 anagrams to make today and so that will take up most of my time.
there are things i want to write about like why i just kicked two insulting
people off of my friends list and also why is it that i am on topcams right
now ( and THANK you everyone for clicking that link that is here:
it really is helping out and i've gotten some new subscribers from it! yay!
thank you!
...but i am not in the mood to justify my actions, and i'm in the mood to
live my life and get on with things. talking about those subjects really bores
and drains me and since i am on a roll with positive energy, i'm just not
going to get into it. maybe someday later i'll have the energy to discuss
it again...but probably not. i'm just going to do what i do, and whatever
conclusions you want to draw from it are fine with me. if you REALLY are confused
then i suggest that you read through all the analogs, because i really have
covered all those kind of topics at least 50 times. i should probably make
a faq someday out of all the questions i get like:
"why is it you only talk to people who kiss your ass"
"you are deluded and just sit around on your ass all day which makes
you a prostitute, doesn't it?"
that sort of thing. that whole line of thinking is seeping in here and there
again and i'm just deleting it because it's boring and negative and has already
been discussed at great length here. go read the analogs and find your answers
there. i'm not going to spoon feed you the answers to that anymore to that
sort of thing. been there, done that. over it.
*deep breath*
ok...on with my day! 15 new anagrams coming right up! :)
[19 Aug 2001|04:53pm]
i'm listening to the cure and ftping up the 15 new anagrams. it's so yummy
and sunny. i should go out for a walk but i probably won't. tonight is the
season finale of six feet under and i'm so excited! i don't have much more
to say. i guess i am just not in a talking or typing mood today. just gonna
do my thing. no more words today, i don't think.
[19 Aug 2001|11:44pm]
the season finale of six feet under was SUPREME! i cried the whole time. my
god is that show ever brilliant.
i haven't felt as satisfied today. actually even discontent during long stretches
of time. i think it's pms.
i can't believe stacy will be here in three days! now that i have cleaned
it so much, she wouldn't be able to comprehend what a mess things were. i
took pictures tho of stuff with my nikon so i will always remember how bad
it really got so that i NEVER go back there. i mean stacy thought HER apartment
was messy and it was NOTHING compared to mine. now i won't be embarrassed
to have people over.
all te mannequins are in the hallways, i think i might bring them all back into the livingroom again now that i THINK i am done moving furniture around in here. oh wait...i might move those two shelves with all the fabric on them into the thingroom. maybe.
oh so exciting for you to read! actually i have really intemse personal stuff
that i am thinking about right now but i can't write about it in here because
it involves my family. i wish my family didn't have so much shame about themselves
so i could talk about them. because it's damn interesting. just as interesting
as six feet under, to be sure. that's probably why i can relate to that show
so much.
i want a real doll [20 Aug 2001|01:52am]
i want the one named Mai here:
i think the new male real doll is NOT very handsome at all. icky.
21 comments|post comment
[20 Aug 2001|02:33pm]
ok, getting out the polaroid project again. sorting through it and seeing
what all i have left :)
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POLAROID PROJECT [20 Aug 2001|03:32pm]
if you sent me polaroid film for my polaroid project...please write to me
at ana101@hotmail.com
and tell em again you name , address, what kind of film you sent, how many
packs, and what you wanted pictures of.
i just want to make sure that everything matches up as i am nearing the end
of this project.
ana voog
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[20 Aug 2001|10:47pm]
i made some really cool polaroids today :) bought food. went out to eat with
jason's parents. started the atkin's diet again today. i'm gonn go hang up
some old posters in my hallway. i love taking polaroids. i just love it :)
jason told me that he read on cnn that polaroid is having major financial
difficulty and could shut down or something. is this TRUE????
[21 Aug 2001|06:14pm]
you can never tell the dwelling you live in what you want it to be. it will
always end up being exactly what it was supposed to be in the end of it all.
so you may as well not fight it. that is the lesson i have learned today,
i think.
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[21 Aug 2001|08:40pm]
in rearranging my entire aprtment again and moving the desk, computer, etc
etc...my cam will not function now. ARGH.
i'm working on it.
no matter what cord i try to replace or what configuration i put it trying
two different cams, i cannot get the chillcam or webcam32 to see the cam.
it's just blue. fuck. i am at a total loss.
and i worked so hard today and made everything so cool, and now i wanted to
sit down and rest and show u the results and i can't.
as i try one thing to make my cams better, then another stupid thing breaks.
it's crazy.
i really hope it's not the video card that is broken.
[22 Aug 2001|01:17pm]
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Nude Cake Sitting+ Bubblebath 2nite! :) [22 Aug 2001|01:56pm]
i got duckydoo's permission to copy her "sitting on a cake" routine
(and being a klown while doing it!) thanks ducky for the inspiration!
so tonight, for the first time, on cam i shall sit on a cake in my klown gear
on cam at 9 CST :)
ooo, i'm such a whore :) spank me! (4 times)
i don't think i ever really sat on the cake, i think the pupsters and i mostly
ate it and got it all over my typewriter. i'm a bad klown. i'll get better!
but i do think i took some good pictures!
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a few pix from last night :) [23 Aug 2001|12:33pm]
thanks to duckydoo for the inspiration :)
the rest of the pix from last night (well over 100!) are in the new anagram
[24 Aug 2001|12:42pm]
stacy posted here by mistake. i erased it and it's over in her journal now
i just woke up and now she's sleeping again. we are both getting caught up
on sleep since we both went over 24 hours of sleep the other day and then
still stayed up really late last night.
ok, i'll write more later! everything is going really well here :)
[25 Aug 2001|02:58pm]
stacy's taking a nap before she goes out to the state fair with kaela and
moon. she is going to LOVE the state fair SO much because the kitch factor
is TOO high for anyone's good. i'm not going 'cause i've lived here all my
life and i'm pretty state faired out. my dad and i go almost every year and
then sometimes we need a break. and this year is one of those break times.
i wish i was in the mood to go so i could see her laughing at everything and
she didn't even know what cheese curds are! so...with all the food on a stick,
and the beer garden, and all those demo booths for this and that auto-matic
popcorn shredder that also irons your clothes thing...she is just...gonna
freak. and i want to be there to see it.
but i really need to center myself. it would be too overstimulating for me
right now.
after that cake show...i got so intense in the end there and i was really
dealing with a lot of primal issues and that deep deep sorrow no one can touch
that i just need to rebuild my aura maaaaaaaan *peace sign* after being so
totally open as i was at the end of that. it's really hard to explain. maybe
i just don't want to explain it right now because it will just sound too frooty.
and i feel too raw to have anyone rip me apart for that too. i need my bubble
back. and it is getting rebuilt.
then i'll be able to function again and write more and get back to normal.
but at the end of that cake show it was like all sheilds were down and i broke
a hole in the hull of my enterprise. and i'm looking to replace one of my
dilytheum crystals before i can resume exploring the universe. ( only star
trek people will get that.yay! star trek!)
i just have the energy to build an entire eiffel tower right now. i'm a total construction worker with a one track mind that's all about getting the cement poured to get that bridge up. that's what pms is for me. it's like fuck you...get out of my way...i have a very large bridge to build...i'll see ya later after i've built it. if anything gets in the way of me hauling those big iron pipes for the bridge, i get very irritable.
today i did get my period though, so i should be calming down soon. although i really do enjoy this whole bridge building construction worker vibe. i feel really alive and damn productive.
between stacy and i it's just been such a soul searching something something
that we either just get hysterical and laugh over comedy like Exit 57, or
we just crash and zone. her dealing with all that she's been dealing with
for the last several months and i so know what she is going through and then
me just wanting to build a bunch of skyscrapers. it's really cool we are such
good friends that we can just be around each other despite ourweird moods
and support each other. she just lets me be nervous and mumble about or talk
to much and let her be her and together we just...are being whatever it is
we are right now.
two women in flux. perpetually. or something.
i always get nervous when people come over because i'm nervous that i'll be too nervous and make them uncomfortale and then that just compounds my nervousness and it's a big spiral into no where. so i'm glad she just lets me be me.
we've had some hysterical conversations and brilliant conversations that were so inspiring and also just the "hey dude..looka that! hehe :) " conversations. we don't really have a time schedule or any plans...it's been this totally organic floaty limbo sort of thing. like we've made ourselves a raft like tom sawyer and we're just going down the mississippi taking it as it comes.
all i know is she is going to have a VERY good time at the stae fair it's
exactly what she needs. absolutely.
i've just been feeling so inadequate as a hostesslately. but we reassure ourselves
there's no pressure. but still...i'm a chihuahua. and i'm not writing this
in here so now she'll see it and go...oooo, you're fine!. i'm just saying
this 'cause that's how i feel right now and i know she writes in her journal
like this and so dammit so do i. so hey, this is what we do.
is there something going down really weird planetary-wise or something? cause damn it's REALLY intense.
last night we got dressed out to the nines and went out to eat with jason and his friend and man...it was hilarious that looks we got :) we were in some serious garb wearing some serious hair and serious kick ass boots. i looked like wednesday from the addams family..if the addams family would have been a japanese anime cartoon. and stacy looked like a glowing faerie warrior straight from the mothership :)
and jaon and his friend were all like, " don't you just hate it when you code doesn't compile?"
and we thought that was just about the most adorable sexy thing a geek boy
could say.
ah, if only they knew how we sighed for them all night and wished they would
whisper sweet code in our ear all night long. :)
then they went to watch drunken master 2 and we sighed :)
i am totally rocking out to Blur right now in the headphones. stacy is all
she adores the deiter and the pooka and the sebastian but she totally sees
how hard it is to pay attention to pooka OR deiter when there is the sebastian
'cause the wuzzler beast is such a love bunny snuggle hog. he deserves 24/7
total attention which he will get soon when maw gets him. which i really can't
even type 'cause the thought of losing sebastian makes me get all...aaa...can't
even type about it. next subject...
i finally got all the cds out of my broken 301 cd changer. i'm glad i have skinny arms to get them all. now i have my musiq again, which i REALLY need because music centers me and if i don't have the right soundtrack to my life going on at the time i can go beserk.
this time with stacy is going so fast! it's almost like we need the 5 days to just adjust then we need 7 more to create! we have so many things we want to do that we haven't done yet. it will all click together on the last day and then she'll have to go! isn't that just the way of it sometimes?
man, did we come up with some great ideas though :)
so much to do in the future! right right right now!
so much music i haven't shown her yet. so many of all the things in my thing room. i've just been so nervous that i haven't been able to focus. if i'm not dragging large furniture across my house i get all unhinged. but i can tell that today is far better than yesterday and i think i'm coming down to some sort of level thing where i could be understandable to somebody. i don't know.
ah, she woke up...gonna go talk 2 her....
6 comments|post comment
[25 Aug 2001|11:17pm]
stacy is still at the state fair :) i am trying to get sound in ana2 to work
again. i am actually broadcasting some sort of faint sound right now...my
crappy computer mic up against one of my crummy speakers playing thee lovely
and talented patsy cline!
somewhere on the internet there is that sound.
how to receive it yet...i don't know....
i have candles lit everywhere and the warm pleasantly humid air is relaxing
mixed with my japanese incense. i hope that when stacy come in she will be
happy with the vibe i've set up here :)
3 comments|post comment
[25 Aug 2001|11:18pm]
stacy is still at the state fair :) i am trying to get sound in ana2 to work
again. i am actually broadcasting some sort of faint sound right now...my
crappy computer mic up against one of my crummy speakers playing thee lovely
and talented patsy cline!
somewhere on the internet there is that sound.
how to receive it yet...i don't know....
i have candles lit everywhere and the warm pleasantly humid air is relaxing
mixed with my japanese incense. i hope that when stacy come in she will be
happy with the vibe i've set up here :)
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sound test [25 Aug 2001|11:40pm]
[26 Aug 2001|04:44am]
sound off for the night. goodnight! :)
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Dear Man, [26 Aug 2001|08:03pm]
by Stacy :)
[27 Aug 2001|11:33pm]
i can't believe it's already the end of august. i can already feel fall coming
and i never really grasped that summer was here.
stacy's gone, and just as i predicted...it was on the last day that everything
"clicked" and we got our notes harmonized and then she had to go.
now i can watch her on her cam again...something i missed even when she was
only feet away from me in my bed! how strange :)
i'm catching up on anacam stuff. all day tomorrow will probably be all about
that...doing all the biz and maintenance fun you all never get to see.
fucking car alarm outside.
i'm drinking red wine. got sort of caught up in stacy's "dear man" post and the whole debate afterwards of which i have a lot to say but no energy to say it. she gives me credit for having helped with that manifesto, but really my only part of it was to cheer her on :)
friggin car alarm out there. god. do those even do any good?
sorry the sound i have running is not all that stable. it isconnects periodically
and is only
being picked up by a cheap tiny computer microphone way across the room. but
it's a start and i'm very excited about having sound with my cams because
i am really gonna play with it like i play with the campictures :) i'm going
to get a ton of nice microphones and put them in a mixer and create a random
symphony of sound :)
here is where it is:
but i can't even get it to work right now. check back periodically. i'm rebooting that computer to see if maybe that's what i need to do.
do you think the song called "utopia" by goldfrapp is about an android? the more i listen to it...i think it is...which makes me love it all the more. my android fetish grows and grows. i think i need to build myself an android. i mean..i know i need to. and i will.
i'm getting back into the polaroids. i'm very excited about it again. maybe because fall is coming. this is the exact time last year that i got into polaroids. fall and winter are when i'm most creative , usually. i don't know why that is.
it was funny watching stacy be frustrated that she wasn't in NYC. like 2 hours before we were going to go to dinner she decided she needed fushnets for her outfit and she asked,'where can we go get some fishnets?" and i'm like...no where near here that isn't a 30 buck cab ride! or she wants take out sushi at 7pm. there is no take out sushi here and everything closes at 5. :) it's my funny little city here. but i adapt and buy from the internet and know to store up things for later :) i love NYC so much. maybe someday i will live there just for awhile. but i love my tiny little city sancuary here. it's so relatively quiet and deserted , in a way. it's my secret hiding place :) it fits me.
all my life i've been trying to get the hell out of here, and then finally, about a year ago, i fell in love with my city and i know that this place with always be ground zero for me. i want to travel and live everywhere, but i know that here is where i will always come back to. it's very grounding here and i , obviously, need that :)
did i tell you i gave all the dogs a bath? i have some pretty hilarious pictures
of that. i was bad and really let sebastian's fur go to hell. i had to cut
out SO many mats...but even with all the fur i took off of him, you can't
even tell...that's how furry he is!
i must now save $ to get sebastian to maw. but i won't write anymore about
that because it breaks my heart. but i know what's best. i think..i hope...yes.
i must. i will always love and very much miss the wuzzler beast. and he smells
so good now and is so soft. maw sez he'll make a wuzzler cam for me..but i
could not bare to look at it. but the beast needs so much love and maw will
give him all he deserves and more, i know :)
i have so many campix to sort through. it's ridiculous. the next anagram will be monstrous. i don't know when i'll get it up because i so much want to take polaroids and i am still in major bridge building mode.
i have so many ideas. too many. i need so many helpers...so much money...i have so much shint beautiful things in my head...white t birds on fire flying off cliffs with rhinestones...androids crashing beautifully and sensually dying and being reborn in a split second...
just go listen to Utopia by Goldfrapp...that is EXACTLY how i feel right now. exactly.
p.s. stacy tried out the hitachi magic wand and she gives it a thumbs up :)
[28 Aug 2001|04:44pm]
i can't remember how to get my cam to stop going through the demo. i hit the
reset button and now it's doing that. augh. i have a headache and am pretty
much braindead today. i think it's pretty much a lost day. not a bad day...just
sorta...just a day.
[29 Aug 2001|12:27am]
ah! my cam is back to normal! got the demo mode off, and resetting it really
did make it go back to being a much better cam again :)
today was spent getting caught up with anacam biz stuff which was LOTS! in
8 hours my mom will be here with some furniture she has for me and i think
she is spending some time with me until the early afternoon.
i got a walk in today, so that felt good. i thought it was going to be an
unproductive day, but it ended up being very productive.
the dogs are doing their wild time thigns now. i have to clean a bit before
i go to sleep so there is room for the new furniture ( some antique japanese
screens and some japanese chests of drawers :)