

[18 Aug 2001|02:50am]
argh. i got a lot done today but it was dissatisfying. i'm trying to redesign anacam again just a little bit and i just really don't like the changes i've made. and it took me all night. argh. i don't know when i'll be in the mood to tinker with it again. blarg.

[18 Aug 2001|03:33am]
ok, i am satisfied with the design for now
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[18 Aug 2001|03:53am]
ah fuck, there are glitches. like the coffeecup is supposed to go to my journal, etc. blarg. and i want them all to open in a new window *grumble*
but i've had it with it for the night.

i need your opinion! [18 Aug 2001|04:00am]
[ mood | curious ]
[ music | miss E ]

i also totally redid the ana2 page where it explains everything you get when you get ana2. i REALLY think that you should go see it and read it and PLEASE tell me what you think. i think i did a MUCH better job at explaining it and updating to include all the features ana2 has to offer. also, what do you think of the layout and the coluirs and just the way the whole thing comes together. i'm not pleaing with you to join, and asking if you'd just take a look at it and see if it seems coool to you at all. thank you :)

it's here

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please help! [18 Aug 2001|04:59am]
[ mood | hopeful ]

ok, here's an easy thihng you could do to help out anacam. go here:

and click on the campicture
i am hoping it will bring me in some new traffic so i can hopefully get a few new members to help me out of anacam's financial tight spot.
and then i can afford to get the anapix back on anacam :)

if you click it each day that would be wonderful! and each day you'll get introduced to new cams they have over there that might strike your fancy :)

thank you very much in advance! :)

update 6am...holy cow in #25 already! thanks you so much!! wow! free beer for everyone! :)

[18 Aug 2001|02:29pm]
jason comes back in 3 hours so i'm doing last minute cleaning. noticed i have this big bruise on my thigh from when i first started up my scooter and couldn't get it to go and slammed against a wall. it doesn't hurt, to. but it's sure to turn funny colours :)
i'm listening to missy elliot again and now i must scurry and clea! it's a GORGEOUS day outside. i have all my windows open :) i'm still pretty groggy. i was up until almost 7am!
i'm sure jason has many stories to tell me about his adventures in L.A. and hi sonia5! sorry i have not written to you in awhile, but i'm keeping up with you in your LJ :) xox
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[18 Aug 2001|08:31pm]
new design in the anarchy forum by mya!
go check it out!
and the same design is also on's under the bed forum :)

jason has arrived home, so i'm up there for the night :)