anagram081501 [15 Aug 2001|12:04am]
fetik3 showed me this:

i wish i knew what the prices are on all those things!
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[15 Aug 2001|01:12am]
green champa cones drifting slowly through air and mark hollis with lemonade

[15 Aug 2001|03:28pm]
ok, i up! i totally want to start moving furniture around but i have reached the point where other things are now forcing me to do those instead. like all the errands i said i was going to do. and doing the batches. and paying a few bills, nothing major. argh. i do not want to do these things. i just want to organize and rearrange my house as i blast music. i just want SOMETHING to be finished! but alas. hopefully all my stupid errands i have to do will not take me as long as i think they will take me and i can get back to doing what i want to do. i had the grossest dreams. huge froga blowing up in order to transform themselves into something else. some sort of rebirthing process. it was gross. it was nasty.

[15 Aug 2001|03:52pm]
ok, those things you clip on posters so you can hang them...but it doesn't hurt the poster and you don't have to get the poster framed...what are they called so i can look for some? that's what i want to get!
i am actually almost ready to go outside...yes's amazing but true! i am filling up my purse with all the things i need to survive out there. what do you put in your purse/wallet/bag before you venture outside?

what do you think? [15 Aug 2001|03:58pm]
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[15 Aug 2001|05:30pm]
i continue to be in an extraordinarily good mood :)

[15 Aug 2001|07:35pm]
i don't think deiter will be able to jump on my bed now. i've added the white pages and the yellow pages to each chair. and i've spray pained each chair silver, altho i didn't do a very good job and now i have silver paint dust on everything. ah well :)
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[15 Aug 2001|09:21pm]
in redesigning and organizing my house. i have solved things. yet i have also made other things more problematic. such is the way. at least i got a lot of excercise and something new to look at and think about! i think i may be done organizing least for today. time for candles and incense and quieting down. sgae. mmm. cleansing.
i am supremely satisfied. as duckydoo says because she has things like 15 sock monkey's, " i am rich!"
and stacy i am so beyond words happy to see you blossoming and evolving again :) i hope you don't mind that i am in my world getting my stuff done that i need to while you get yours done :) we will connect soon.
and cydniey, you are NOT alone :) i have something i want to send you...what's an address i can send it to?
and jacqui...i know i haven't called back, i totally suck at that, but i love you and i don't know what i would do without you! and the same thing goes for scott bateman and emmett and blonnie and katt and jennifer and jodi and diversify and myreself and withoutwords and mrcoffeebean and spookycam and purifiance and flower and btripp and zvex and eebomb and coojie and pooka and deiter and sebastian and jason JASON and maw and courtney i miss you come home soon and noel and dn and tantra and ceven and planet concrete and jacqui jacqui jacqui ( gotta say her anme three more times for good luck )
i know i'm missing a lot of people but that's who popped in my mind this 5 minutes!