[12 Aug 2001|02:48pm]
it's 84 degrees today and perfect. i am SO close to actually getting my house
entirely clean that it seems like a dream! i feel like i can see the peak
of mount everest. i am so excited but also a bit scared because i have used
that as an excuse for so long as to why i put some things off. after that
i will have no excuse. so that scares me. because then i'll find out if i
WAS using that as an excuse or not. eek.
this morning i weighed 12.8! i haven't weighed that in so long! so i have
lost ten pounds :) i'm back on two weeks more of the atkins, and after that,
i think i'll be done with that. if i can get my weight to where i want it
( which i'm pretty darn happy with it now :) and i can get my house clean...i
will be utter and total awe of myself :)
the next things to tackle then would be to get my taxes done (help.) and get
the polaroid project done.
[12 Aug 2001|06:18pm]
ah, with the help of 4 chairs i've gotten my bed above the ground again. but
deiter can still jump up there :/ i want to get it to be a dog free zone so
i can put all my stuffed animals up there and no one will chew on them. i'm
at the point of cleaning again where it loks like it's more messy than it
started out. i'm trying not to be bummed by the illusion of that. i put my
bed more to the side because it's more practical, even tho it's less visually
appealing. i'm just gonna keep cleaning until the show six feet under is on.
i'm gonna put nice clean sheets on my bed now and totally purr about that
oh and i found my windows Me disc, and my connectix discs, my broken phone
fixed itself, and i found the lost phone , too :)
[12 Aug 2001|08:22pm]
is there anything that could glue two very heavy pieces of glass together.
the pieces used to be the top of a kitchen table.
also, where is that place in LJ where u can download people's journals one month at a time?
i've cleaned like a maniac today. i feel really good about it. i'm going up to jason's now to watch six feet under. it's the season finale!
and to the guy who sent my the snap maker thing...which pieces go with what?
do u have an instruction manual for that thing?
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[12 Aug 2001|09:40pm]
[ mood | energetic ]
thanks everyone for the tips about glueing glass together :) ya, i want it
clear :) then i am going to glue lots of broken pieces of multicoloured glass
to it, so it will be a stained glass window type of thing :)
i guess tonight wasn't the season finale of six feet under. it's next sunday.
man, do i love that show!
ok, back to cleaning! i'm on a roll :)