

[05 Aug 2001|12:15am]

and join duckydoo's yahoo fan club and see pictures from her cam from when i was in NYC visiting her :)

and if you'd like to join my anacam yahoo fanclub, it's here:
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[05 Aug 2001|01:38pm]
it's 95 degrees outside but feels like 105 with 47% humidity. last night it was 80% humidity!!! i need a dehumidifier badly! does anyone have one that they don't use that i could buy? i wanted to go for a walk today, but forget it! i'm not going out there, i wouldn't last 10 minutes.
i'm listening to madonna's ray of light cd. it's kind of growing on me verrrry slowly. the lyrics are tres stupid, tho. but i love her anyway :)

i feel good today. i feel like i could get a lot done.
had really intense dreams again. i don't have the patience to write them out, it's just way too detailed and complicated. but i will tell u one part where there was a pregnant women whe died, so i cut her belly open to get the babay out, but it was kittens, they weren't breathing, so i cut them in 1/2 too..starting at the skull where the two halves of the brain were. it smelled bad, but somehow this made them come to life. and inside them were also more kittens that were in the form of seeds. really freaky.

i found out that when thom yorke sings the lyrics "cut the kids in half" in the song that i never remember the name of off radiohead's latest...he IS referring to that bible story where kind solomon declares to cut this baby in 1/2 in order to find out who the true mother of the child is...because two women are bickering over this baby each saying it is theirs. but when he says to cut it in 1/2 and give one 1/2 to each mother, the real mother please to give the baby to the other woman and not to cut it in 1/2..

anyway, i have NO idea why i got so into that story. and this biblical colouring book i had as a child and there was one page in it that depicted this story, and for some reason this page was just too precious to colour...all i wrote on that page is "cut it in 1/2"

what the hell?
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[05 Aug 2001|04:01pm]
anyone know of a place online that i could buy those little paper cd holders? i need about 300, so i can get my cds out of my broken cd player..and all the covers for them all are all over and it would take me too long to get the cds out that way.

i had energy a few hours ago, and now i can barely keep my eyes open. but i have to, there is just too much i need to get done.

there are a lot of scary clown paintings on ebay.

i'm sorry to everyone i am not getting back to. i really suck at that.

i am considering giving sebastian away to someone. there is just not enough of me to go around for three dogs that really love a lot of attention. it was fine when jason was here to help with the load, but with just me, i am overwhelmed. i don't know if i could do it, tho. it would really be extremely difficult for me (and for him). also even tho my apt is quiet big and the dogs are very small, having three is hard. and sebastian has to go to a home where there is at least another playmate for or cat. he would be too lonely to be by himself if anyone went away for periods of time. i think it would really upset him 'cause all he has known is that he is not ever alone. he is the sweetest dog a person could ever want. he is so playful and full of infinite love and loves nothing more than to snuggle and play fetch. i just wish i had two of me! this is all so hard. i don't know what to do....but i feel so guilty for not giving the dogs the attention they deserve a lot times. when i have two, i can at least put one on each side of me and scratch their heads...but throws the balance all off...augh.
i dunno, i probably couldn't bear to give him away, but if i found the perfect home for him, i would definitely consider it.
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sound again [05 Aug 2001|04:37pm]
well, i'm, trying to get sound again on ana2 again. but as i was all ready now to download the realproducer and it is not available for windows NT, which is what is on the computer i can do sound with SO, i will have to switch it over to windows 98 or Me, if ONLY i could find that damn disc! *mumbles*
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[05 Aug 2001|07:24pm]
maw is gonna take sebastian on a trial basis when it get cooler out. (it's too hot to fly a dog right now)
it's too hot in my apartment right now! i can't get anything done when it's too hot
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[05 Aug 2001|08:10pm]
thinking and thinking about my snap monster/creature/animal idea nonstop. obsessed. can't decide on a name. any name that is cool...the domain name for it is taken already