i've never seen "in the flesh" anyone else ever doing a camshow, so it was an intetesting experience for me! |
thingz in ducky's house :) |
i love to touch ducky's monkey :) |
i'm in the doorknob |
various things in NYC |
miss hell's cat "gibby"? |
just SOME of ducky's tummy size 5 shoes :) |
mysterious texture from a rooftop |
the ever mysterious "eyeball the klown" :) |
some things ducky reads. i read a TON of her books :) |
ducky's fridge containing much seltzer water :) |
more things in ducky's house |
the pillow i slept on :) |
me as la femme fatale sniper |
underneath ducky's rack of clothing |
me getting ready for the burlesque show |
me braiding my klown wig |
drawing on sidewalk done with tar. what a good idea! |
my frilly thing |
ducky works |
getting ready for my first sniper job |
after the burlesque party, i should have gotten more pix i know! |
mosaic |
a dog of some sort from somewhere |
i love graffitii |
i love the subway :) |
a drew this atrocious thign for ducky :) crayon and silver marker on cardboard |
the only pic i captured of the burlesque show because i just was too distracted and happy to take pictures! |
ducky and i sell "porn d'oeuvres" at the "cheap art party:) |
punk rock haiku girl miss lola belle |
it's smeg! |
it's smeg again! she's a cutie! |
some guy? |
chops. nuff said. |
breakfast in america :) |
the plane ride home |
misc eye # 083563563405 |
i will tell u all about my trip, too...i just had to get these pictures up
first! the below
writings are from the first few days BEFORE i left)
[16 Jul 2001|12:59pm]
i've only had a few hours of sleep and i've been working on my site and computer
all day. altho u can't tell. i need an afternoon nap.
i also made a roast and it was delicious and i gave some to the dogs so now
they are all sniffing the ground for more.
japanese chins for sale? [16 Jul 2001|05:32pm]
if anyone finds any japanese chins for sale anywhere in the continental US,
let me know, i want to buy one for a friend ( and yes, this person DOES want
one :) preferably male. ( i happen to think male dogs are more friendly and
haha, i kept typing "sake" instead of "sale", if only
they were that cheap!
[16 Jul 2001|09:37pm]
ok, since weight is difficult to go by (altho i did lose another pound the
last time i checked), maybe measurements are better? i am 36-28-37
i was 33-24-32
so my goal is to get back to that. i'm not really doing too bad on this whole
atkin's thing now. it was just the first 3 days that were pure living hell.
sleepstation [16 Jul 2001|09:39pm]
is there anyone interested in taking over the sleepstation for me? i am just
so sick of turning people's cams off that are pictures of them NOT sleeping.
it makes me want to trash the whole project. but i'm not going to do that.
secret vacation [16 Jul 2001|11:14pm]
ok, change of plans. i am going to go have a secret vacation. i'm not telling
anyone where i'm going to go (except jason), or when i'll be back. (probably
less than a week). i need to do this. i will take pictures and write about
it and i will show you this stuff when i get back. but for now and when it
is happening, it is a secret mission. i need to do something secret for a
bit. i need to go where no one knows me and i can just blend in. i need some
time away from the computer and livejournal for a bit. i need to go center
myself and do something new and different. shake myself up, settle myself
down, see some of the world, get some air, etc. i can't be gone too long tho,
because of my dogs...it's not too hard on them to be gone for shorter periods
of time and i can have people check in on them.
then, after i get back...if stacy hasn't flown to france :), she can come
be with me for awhile and i'll be a lot more setlled and calm to deal with
everything in the best way i can. i'm gonna go type her an email now :)
i'm having a rather emotional day. but i don't want to get into it. i'm going up to jason's to do the batches, which might take several hours. then i'm going for a walk. but first, a shower...
i got my washer working
again but not my cd player.
[17 Jul 2001|05:21pm]
holy god it's 91 degrees (feels like 97) with 50% humidity and no wind. i
think i'll stay inside.
[17 Jul 2001|11:59pm]
i don't know how much i'll be getting connected at where i am going, but i
am going to try a bit. i'm also bringing my cameras and i'll try to figure
out a way to post the pictures in ana2. if i can't , i am going to have a
SHITLOAD of crazy cool stuff to show ana2...let's just say it could be transvestites
and icing. or perhaps the shoes of all the people i meet or perhaps lots of
little old ladies in silly hats.. i am also going undercover as a persona,
so that will be interesting. it's going to be VERY interesting.
i'm coming back around the 24th, i believe. i can't decide if i will leave
my cams on or not. i probably will because i will want to keep an eye on my
maybe i will even be able to transmit images to cams in ana2 via my special
secret spy device :)
i'm gonna have A LOT of good stories and pictures to show and tell when i
get home :)
2001-07-16 19:43:00;
flippin' that puppy around...
says here:
"okay. what would be a GOOD, SANE, CLASSY way to bring to light the trials
and travails of depo and mental illness? i mean, i have the floor. what should
i do? to whom should i give interviews? because maybe i SHOULD just go to
the new york post and hard copy and crack some shit open. seriously. how can
i best go about this?"
says this:
"if you really want to go to the press with this, i would stay away from
the tabloid side of things. they will just misrepresent and sensationalize
and basically exploit you. this is not something that can be explained in
sound bites and headlines."
and says this:
but it opens up the dialogue for other publications to take notice. actually,
i've been in the new york post and newsweek, and they were about the same
( surprise )
and weirdly, it was hardcopy who did the nicest piece on me (tv wise)
the best it can do is draw more people to the website where u can explain it better and NOT in soundbites. that's the way it's worked for me, and it works out pretty well that way.
she does have a lot of information and experience that i think would be helpful to countless people. sure, it won't always be perfect...but ya gotta start somewhere, imo
i think she should flip this puppy around and make something positive of it. i think she can do that. and i think it could be therapeutic, too
stacy sure cracked open a volcano of pure fear and anger with what she did. i think she could bring up PERTINENT questions on a myriad of self-heating topics as to why it did that, instead of just of just "why didn't you use a gun?"
*/me puts on her flameproof suit*
----what do u think?