anagram 072300

who is charlotte king and what is with the ants and the cats?


yes, it's the original batmobile! chris and mo got it for their honeymoon! the old man owner of teh car insists that he is alfred :) then it's two pix of an idea i had for a menu but scrapped it. and then it's drawings zuma made for an anadoll, and i never got them scanned just right so i could put it up in the way that it should be...i'm too tired 2 type anything more i gotta get this computer crashed a bunch of times trying 2 load this page from

i want so much 2 print that whole thing out :)

livejournal stuff:

sunday, july 23rd 2000

3:55p a small black man curled up on a bench. so small, his baggy clothes fell inward on his hipbones. so curled up, so far away in sleep i went up to him just 2 make sure he was breathing. i wanted to wake him up so i could get him food or something he needed. i thought about putting my sunflower on him, but then i thought that maybe when he awoke and found it, he would take it as a cruel joke more than a kind thought. his hairt was starting 2 turn grey. he had a hat that had blown off of him and lay on the ground. what was his story? how did this happen? what was his name?

fat families past by trying not 2 notice. i tried not 2 show i was noticing. i wished i had some cash on me. i thought about leaving him my walkman with the throwing muses and mazzy star tape in it. but maybe he would hate it. maybe when it ran out of batteries it would do him no good. maybe i should start making packages for the homeless filled with clean underwear, toothpaste, beef jerky and some silly putty. maybe i should give them disposable cameras and tell them to go take pictures of their life , and then when they bring that back to me on a set day, i will pay them for doing that, and i can put the pictures up on the net of what they see.

4:01p buy some hawaiian leis :)

4:10p 2 jason
all i know is i want u here fucking my brains out on a very high hill
and when it's over i want 2 laugh at all the grass stuck in your hair :)

11:33p i went 2 a party and saw all my friends :) i got 2 scan a whole bunch of pix of jason and i at chris strouth's wedding. they had the batmobile from the 60's there! so i have bunches of pix of me in the batmobile :)so now i'm gonna put them up in the next anagram. they are SO cool! i tried 2 put film in my lomo camera but something is wrong with it. i got film in the action camera and took pix of me and a very large stuffed very dirty garfield that was in the lawn where a bunch of gutter punx lived. i wanted 2 take it home with me but they came and got it back :( i wanted 2 spray paint it silver and put it n the thing room . *meow* at least i got pix of it