NEW IN ANAMUSIC: ANAVOOG.COM!! (for ana2 members only)
8 new anagrams up for [05 Jul 2001|06:07pm] la la la :) according to: i am 88% gay
[06 Jul 2001|02:39am]
i love unquietmind :)
she has a bean inside of her
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[06 Jul 2001|07:28pm]
i've been out all day. i have MUCH to tell u of my adventures...but i just
got home now and in 10 minutes i'm leaving to go celebrate with jason that
he passed his java certification test! yay jason!
my dr. gave me two more medications: cerzone and, if that doesn't work, klonopin.
i almost passed out on the railroad tracks today due to heat exhaustion, i'm
glad i made it back in one piece. that was SCARY. i finally made it to a radio
station that was in the middle of god-knows-where and thankfully had enough
$ on me to call a cab home.
details later...
i bought the playboy belinda is in. it's OK. my curiousity is satisfied.
ok, i have to go now...i didn't even have time to wash all my sweaty grime
off of me. oh well. i'll take a shower when i get home.
i've been giving a few interviews here and there for some national and international
publications...i'll let u know more when i find out more. and a local radio
station is interested in having me over for their morning show, so that should
be interesting if that comes to fruition!
i think a huge storm is coming in really soon here. i can't WAIT! i'm so in
the mood for a good storm and i WILL run in the rain and get completely soaked
when it happens :)
i'm still so nervous i feel like i'm going to jump out of my body. i need
a nice grounding storm to reel me back in
holy did get
to be almost 7pm?
did anyone tape the first big brother episode? i missed it :(
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changes to anacam starting on monday [07 Jul 2001|09:10pm]
i am going to have to make the anacam archive thumbnails only. and i'm going
to have to put the anapix archive in ana2, and anadoll in ana2, and anamusiq
in ana2, and anart in ana2...because my bandwidth keeps increasing and increasing,
and right now i just cannot afford it due to that i now have 1,000 more bills
on top of that because of jason moving out.
grab everything that u want and put it on your site, if u wish ( just put a link back to anacam, please )
if anyone has any art
that i now have up that you made and u feel objectionable about me putting
it in ana2...please let me know and i will simply take your art off (feel
free to put it on your page :)
and/or...anyone who made any art for anapix who will let me still keep it
on my site, please write to me: i'll set u up with
a complimentary pass into ana2, as a thank u :)
i hope in the future i may be able to afford to put all the stuff back on anacam, but i don't know when that will happen. all i know is that right now i must conserve all the $ i have so that i can catch up on all my bills.
if anyone would like
to host the anapix archive on their site, PLEASE go for it :)
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the simple things in life are best :) [07 Jul 2001|11:47pm]
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friends [08 Jul 2001|03:08am]
how do i set up different categories of my friends i have listed so that i
can read certain groups of friends instead of all my listed friends when i
feel like it?
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new anapix! [08 Jul 2001|04:25am]
i think i will be putting anapix in my livejournal now instead of having an
anapix section. this way i can stick up the pictures as soon as i get them
and i can simplify my site.
also if the maker of the anapix has a livejournal..let me know so i can link
to it :)
to put your anapix in here, send them to me at:
if u want to know who did these anapix and what the title is, simply right
click on the picture and view the properties :)
and if you'd like to be listed as my friend so u can post in here, just add
me as your friend and i'll add u back :)
[08 Jul 2001|11:29am]
so how many people have trouble with the fact that i put pictures in my LJ?
and how many people like it that way?
[08 Jul 2001|04:22pm]
ok, so this is what i need from u 2 participate in the sleep station:
1) the exact url of your
cam picture
2) what you would like your username and password to be
3) the exact url of what you would like your cam picture 2 link which can
a) your site
b) another site you'd like to draw more attention to, a political 'cause,
c) or your can have your cam picture link to BOTH of these things by making
a very simple html page that looks like this:
( of course u can make it look however u like )
that is all i need at
the very least :)
and send that to
also, you must tell me if you'd like to be on the sleepstation discussion
mailing list where u will receive important updates and also to to the other
"sleepers" about everything from lucid dreaming to how to sleep
with the light on :)
or i can put u on the non discussion list which u will only receive updates
about the sleep station from me. ( i just have to have a way to get a hold
of u in case something there is a new url to log in or something
also, after u are "plugged in" to the station, please put a link
somewhere on your site back to it:
or make a banner ! a bunch of sleep station participants have already made
some cool banners and now i've forgotten the urls of where those banners are,
but just write to the list ( when u get on ) and ask where those banners are
and i've started a "sleep station word game" :) u don't have to
participate in it to still sleep at the station. but this is how it goes and
it is SO fun! the first person who logs into the sleep station puts a word
in their caption ( big enough for people to read it at the small size pic
), then the next person to log on adds a word to their caption that starts
a sentence and so and and so forth. and as people log off the sentence will
change and get surreal and non sensical. so the thing is, ONE word only to
add to the sentence and try to make the sentence make sense as much as possible,
and no "disturbing" words such as "asshole" , u get my
drift. 'cause the word game is about peace and calmness and playfulness. just
ask me questions back on whatever u might be confused about.
other rules are
1) u must be asleep when on the station or minutes away from going to sleep
2) you can be on the station laying on whatever u sleep on having insomnia,
you can read in bed while on the sleep station if this is before you are going
to sleep
3) you can't be on the sleep station if you are going to lay in bed and be
really active, like eating popcorn in bed watching a movie obviously not going
to bed in a few minutes..stuff like that.
4) then when u wake up log off ASAP. lots of people forget to do this and
then i shut them off if i see them staring at their computer screens :) sometimes
i forget to log off, to err is human :)
i've found the best way to remember to log off is to put a post it note where
u are going to see it right away when u wake up. or how i remember is i leave
my browser open with the sleep station on, then when i see it i'm reminded
to log off.
i am slowly getting back to everyone who has asked about the sleepstation
in the last several months. i really fell behind on that whole project, but
i'm going to get back on the ball again and get it rolling again :)
does it take away your
enjoyment of looking at the pictures if i have that "click here to see
the pictures" link? will that make you more apt to NOT look at them or
even know they are there?
i don't think i like the "click to see the pictures" tag in my livejournal.
it takes away the prettiness of things, and that's just not my style.
my infolist [08 Jul 2001|06:01pm]
i'm getting caught up on things today. i unsubbed and subbed a bunch of people
to my list that were confused as to how to go about that, although it's
can do it right here:
so now that i finally have that out of the way i will be returning to sending out my mailing list. :)
----i also sent pix out
to my yahoogroups picture mailing list ( some pictures from my LJ)
here are some domains that i own that i am considering selling: [08 Jul 2001|09:13pm]
[09 Jul 2001|12:14am]
i'm SO glad that flickerstick won! :)
i want to buy their cd:
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[09 Jul 2001|12:21am]
i have so never been into tennis shoes in my life. in fact, i've always abhored
them...but the new ones they are making are S space! i must have some!
Air Max Wilma (women)
[ $90.00 ]
Style Number: 698006 Size:6
what other sites besides
nike have weird shoes like this? if only they could make these shoes into
BOOTS. WHY don't they do that? do they not do it just to torture me?
15 comments|post comment
[09 Jul 2001|12:55am]
i totally want this dress by nike too, called "the exposure dress"
ooooo ya :)
it's so startrek and classy and sexy and functional and it would go with EVERYTHING
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[09 Jul 2001|02:18pm]
i want to go outside but it's too damn hot! 90 degrees! being inside with
the window shades closed to keep out the heat. makes me sleep. i need to get
awake so i can turn this day into a cleaning day!
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ok, just KILL me [09 Jul 2001|03:11pm]
i must have the hello kitty punkette shoe and the hello kitty go go boots!
and the hello kitty mimi snadals! argh! mostly i neeeeed the go go boots :)'s_Hello_Kitty_shoes.htm
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the winners of the anarchy design contest! :) [09 Jul 2001|03:46pm]
1st place! by mya:
prize: 1 year of free ana2
2nd place: acedia
prize: 6 months of free ana2
3rd place:
(who made this one?)
prize: 3 months of free ana2
winners please email me at so that i may give you your
passwords :)
p.s. for those that do not know, anarchy is here:
cool as hell stockings!
just go check out the
anapix, in case u didn't yet:
it's a much happier thing :)
oh, and since i've gone
off neurontin, i've lost 4 pounds :) so i'm at 118 now :)
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[10 Jul 2001|09:24pm]
i went food shopping big time. it's amazing how difficult it is to by anything
that has NO sugar in it! i mean WHERE is the sugarFREE icecream??
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warning: name dropping [10 Jul 2001|09:58pm]
so i ran into grant hart ( of the now defunct husker du ) in menards yesterday!
we were both pretty damn surprised to see each other in a place like that
:) we have a really strange history that i will someday explain.
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[10 Jul 2001|10:20pm]
EVERY girl needs one NOW! and that's an order! :)
and i took this test:
my results:
You have 7 points towards Chaos.
You have 9 points towards Good.
You are True Neutral with Good tendencies
a.A literary or artistic work that imitates the characteristic style of an author or a work for comic effect or ridicule. See Synonyms at caricature.
b.Something so bad as
to be equivalent to intentional mockery; a travesty: The trial was a parody
of justice.
key word: IMITATES: if someone had made a NEW picture IMITATING the picture,
then it could be a parody, not a copyright violation.
key word: EQUIVALENT:
and stacy's picture was not an intentional mockery of herself, it was not
a parody of her.
nor was using the photo in that cruel picture equivalent of intentional mockery,
it WAS intentionally mockery. and save that "tough love" bullshit
for someone else.
and it is a copyrighted picture. period. and here are 10 big myths about copyright
A literary work in which
human vice or folly is attacked through irony, derision, or wit.
. See Synonyms at caricature.
Irony, sarcasm, or caustic
wit used to attack or expose folly, vice, or stupidity.
ok, how was that photo
IRONIC (Incongruity between what might be expected and what actually occurs)?
nor was it a caricature, since the picture was not of stacy pretending to
be her with the intent of caricature of herself.
if you'd like to make
a legal caricature...make your OWN picture, not someone's copyrighted material.
it really pisses me off to see so many people focus on the fact that she did it in front of a cam, and not the fact that she was in so much pain that she ate 3 bottles of pills that made her vomit and go into seizures.
it makes me mad that so many people think that the fact that she did that was mean to THEM. hello? man, and you think SHE is selfish? wake up. and who MADE you go to her website? DUH.
so she had a camera in
the bathroom. did u KNOW that that particular camera is 90% of the time pointed
at that bathroom? did u know that it takes no special focusing on it, it's
self focusing. also, her cam has a bad cord which makes it OFTEN go on and
off transmitting. mine does that ALL the time. that doesn't mean that she
saw the cam was not functioning and went to go turn it back on again. all
it would take is for her cats to jiggle it for it to go on and off like that.
i know this because i was AT HER HOUSE and i've witnessed this phenomena in
also, if a person is crazy enough to swallow 3 bottles of pills, do u think
she CARED that the cam was on her? do u think THIS is her biggest concern?
and what's this then that she's some sort of WIMP because her suicide didn't result in her death (YET...she is still in the hospital having seizures and going in and out of consciousness)? should it be some sort of MACHO game? suicide isn't REAL if people are watching? why don't u say that to all the people who have offed themselves in public places. it was "only" an attempt because the police intervened?
and this wasn't just all over a guy, ok? it was about a lot of things. the biggest thing is because she is bipolar. get informed about that PLEASE! it is a SERIOUS medical condition ( as if that's not obvious enough )
so next time this happens, will you throw her a little hero party if she offs herself like kurt cobain? will that be macho enough for u? will u applaud her for doing it "RIGHT" will she get a little point in your book for that?
what the FUCK??? all you can think of is that she didn't do suicide "CORRECTLY"???
and for the record, no i do not think that kiad's LJ should have been suspended. but of COURSE that picture should have been taken down just AT LEAST for the fact that it was stacy's copyrighted material.
it seems that this isn't
about people being angry about suicide at all. it's people being angry that
she didn't do it in the manner that THEY would have done it. or it spawns
debated over this vs. reality television. that's pathetic. why didn't it spawn
a discussion about bi polar disorder and how it can be treated? or how mental
illnesses are still seen as a weakness? or why something like this brings
out the cruelty in people to kill the weak? haven't we ALL been weak at SOME
point or another?
or someone whining about how much bandwidth this will cost him if she dies
and can't pay it. oh wow. i feeeeeeel the caring. look, I'LL pay for it if
that ever happened so just quit whining!
and when did "freedom of speech" just become a testing ground to see how far we can be cruel and humiliating to other people? oh yay for that. and if you are SO for freedom of speech, then WHY on earth are u getting on stacy's ass for doing what she did in the manner in which she chose to do it? isn't what she did today on HER site ALSO freedom of speech u freaking bunch of hateful whining hypocrites?????? (oh, and i'm not calling anyone names to be cruel, i'm just "keeping it real", man...ya, THAT's it.)
oh no, but u only want freedom of speech when it comes to YOU, don't you. oh ya, that's it.
and don't go off on the
tired old rag of "ooo, i delete people from my journal...i must not be
for freedom of speech!"
well, yes i AM in that i am for the government not repressing what we have
to say. so if i want to go to a public place and say my thing, i can. you
can do that too. i'm not stopping you. i'm just stopping you from doing it
in MY journal. just as livejournal reservse the right to stop me from saying
it on THEIR server.
this journal is not a public place.
livejournal is not a public place.
doing something IN public is NOT the same as making the place you do it IN
a public place. as in a zone the government has officially deemed a public
now if your TAXES paid for livejournal, u might have a case.
35 comments|post comment
[11 Jul 2001|03:01am]
"if you see a man who is broken/pick him up and carry him/and if you
see a woman who's broken/put her all into your arms/cause we don't know where
we come from/we don't know who we are."
---laurie anderson
(thank u to latitude11
for bring it to my attention that stacy put that quote in her LJ a few days
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calling all lawyers [11 Jul 2001|03:51pm]
taking a someone else's copyrighted picture and not altering it in ANY way
except adding text around it does NOT make that copyrighted picture YOURS.
the picture has not been altered. all u did was make a frame. that's not fair
use. u have to completely REDO that picture as people do with the anapix on
this site. you can obviously see that there is a great difference between
one pf my campix, and an anapic someone makes from my campic.
are there any lawyers around who would speak with me about this, please?
myths about copyright
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dankitti [11 Jul 2001|05:13pm]
dankitti, i did not snub your apology...i was simply confused by it and needed
more clarification to see if you were just fucking with my head or were indeed
i think that in the context of what you've done, it's understandable for me
to be a BIT wary!
i said "if you're sincere i am happy"
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[11 Jul 2001|06:41pm]
happy 40th birthday dankitti :)
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[11 Jul 2001|06:48pm]
i'm going up to jason's for awhile to do the batches and watch some tv with
him :)
post comment
more about copyright... [11 Jul 2001|07:52pm]
i took this from tsenft's lj , with her permission:
I'm not a huge believer in online copyright laws, but it would be nice if people understood them better. Or at least if they *quoted a source* before going off on a rant about how people are stupid for raising copyright questions.
The book I recommend, for readability and clarity, is called Cyberrights. It is by the (rightly, I think) famous electronic civil liberties attorney, Mike Godwin. The chapter to look at is pp. 162-199, "The Battle Over Copyright on the Net." From page 197:
It doesn't matter whether you're linking or just plain copying--copyright law is all about making sure the person who holds the copyright for a particular work has the primary control over it and/or gets the primary benefit.
Note the terms "primary control" and "primary benefit".
As Godwin discusses,
fair use (that is, excerpting a portion of something for 'public benefit')
is extremely difficult to claim, unless you are affiliated with a news agency
or an educational institution. And even these folks are finding their privileges
revoked daily. As an educator who publishes images from webcams, I've done
considerable research in this area. Fair use is not a blank check by any means.
When you take copyrighted
images and use them in a parody, you aren't functioning under the aegis "fair
use" but of "free speech." Archon pointed out a very interesting
case covered by the EFF. Look at the first story about Barney . In "L.L.
Bean, Inc. v. Drake Publishers , 811 F.2d 26, 33 (1st Cir. 1987), the court
held that the First Amendment is a complete
shield from liability for noncommercial uses of marks in artistic or editorial
This raises really interesting issues for me in light of billiam's trouble
parodying Archie comics. He was served by their lawyers for copyright violation.
Likewise, you may choose to paint a swaztika on Mickey Mouse's head as a protest
of the fascism that is Disney Land, but rest assured you will hear from the
So what to do, here? Not every person parodying has access to EFF or ACLU lawyers to go against Mattell or Disney or whatnot. So Billiam will be intimated oout of parodying Archie by the lawyers, while camgirls are fair game because they don't have those kinds of resources.
And here I thought that the function of parody was to display the hidden power of those in charge, and to at least provide the "little guy" with culture critique in the form of humor. But since Disney has better lawyers and all, I guess parody is now about taking pot shots at a camgirl with a modicum of micro-celebrity.
Wow. Very important use of the concept of "free speech".
and the conversation
on my LJ started here:
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[11 Jul 2001|11:15pm]
i've taken down all the scarves that were hanging in my house, i need things
more open again. and i'm not going to put any sheets on my bed until i can
get 9 cinderblocks to list my bed way up high. and now i've taken that fence
down so i feel so much freer to move around in here. all my windows are open
and it's a nice warm summer night. i wish i could go walking in it :/
when i went to menards i went to get cinderblocks. the guy that "helped" me was a real asshole just because i was a woman in a short dress. all the other guys in the line were even rolling their eyes at that guy, agreeing he was a total dick.
i thought cinderblocks were lighter than cement blocks. i thought they were not the same as cement blocks. is it true that they are one and the same?
i'm gonna try to hook up my vcr tonight...but now that i've written that down, i probably won't do it. it's time for me to really start cleaning my house again. it really needs it.
i paid off 3 of my credit cards, and i've only one left. i don't think i want to use credit cards anymore, it just gets me in trouble.
there is SO much i need to do. i need to find the cdrom to install the wireless modem in the computer. i need to get all my camcorders fixed even tho i cannot afford it. it just has to be done. i'll sell some cds or something.
all think about lately is sewing..stuffed animals, handbags, hats... i don't know where to start!
and then i'm torn to
just not go down that road and do some music. i have several records in me
waiting to get out now. they form more and more everyday. one record is called
"music to dust by" and the other is called " my fake pear"
i have the song titles too.
i asked bobby z if he wanted to make a record together sometime in the near furure, and he was very enthusiastic about it :) i've never collaborated with anyone before, but i think with him it'd be very very fun 'cause he gets how i work and i get how he works and we just have a really great relationship that way. plus, i just miss seeing him so much. he always makes me laugh :)
jason wants to do some stuff to, he wants me to sing on stuff that he is going to write sometime...and i can't WAIT for that :)
so....we'll see what transpires in the next year :)
when i make my music, i want to put it on my site in it's pieces so that people can take whatever they like and remix or make something new...and then post all that on my site too. i think it would be extremely fascinating to do that :)
i also want to make flash animation "videos" that go with the songs :)
if my made a group of friends that i only posted to them sometimes...and i put tons of pictures in my posts that i posted to only this group...even tho others that cannot see these pictures...would that mean that i also don't pay for the bandwidth everytime EVERYONE refreshes my journal and i'd only pay the bandwidth on those who could actually see the pictures? is this the stupidest question ever?
ok, back to cleaning my house.
what i really need is
a good hard fuck.
[13 Jul 2001|09:42am]
i'm going to be in NYC visiting stacy from july 18th-july 31st
would anyone be able
to stay at my house during this time and watch over my dogs?
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[13 Jul 2001|09:04pm]
where did go??? :(
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[13 Jul 2001|10:15pm]
unsweetened chocolate sucks.
[15 Jul 2001|03:22pm]
my cd player broke, and my washer broke ( with a pile of clothes in water
in it), PLUS i cannot find my keys. what a fucking drag.
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anapix [15 Jul 2001|11:34pm]
as i have said before, i am simply moving the anapix into ana2 until i can
find a different server to put them on that doesn't charge me as much as it
costs me now for people to look at them. the anapix (and the anacamarchive)
are my #1 bandwidth suckers (besides the live anacam picture), so i needed
to move them pronto. i will find a place to put them on anacam again when
i find a place that meets my needs in that way. i think i know where to put
them, i just have to get it set up. thank you for your patience :)
extra stuff:
Posted by ANA on June 26, 2001 at 22:35:33:
how would u like a livejournal community for ana2 members only...that everyone
can post in...that is private?
and then we'd have archives of all the conversations , too :)
Posted by ANA on July 02, 2001 at 01:56:09:
In Reply to: Re: PLEASE READ...LJ on the 4cams page (anatest.shtml) posted
by katt on July 02, 2001 at 01:15:14:
thank u for your honesty :)
i definitely am struggling right now to get the right balance between all
of the things i am interested in doing and finding a cohesive, easy and interesting
way to express it all.
ana2 is in the midst of an overhaul, but all u get to see is me tearing down
walls and then putting other things up in place of those walls that does not
always fit. i am moving furniture around and it's a mess. and u can't see
the whole process in my mind that is happening, it looks
like less is happening than actually is.
i thought people would like the very large anagrams, but now i realize that they are overwhelming to people and i am making them smaller now. it's funny as i'm actually putting MORE pictures into anagrams than ever actually backfired on me.
trial and error to be sure :)
i would certainly understand if u wanted to leave and perhaps when i get things a bit more organized i might entice u back :)
i try the best i can to work with this medium as i grow and the medium grows. sometimes it's cool and sometimes it sucks.
i shy away from really typing too much about m process lately, for fear it
will sound really whiny, redundant and boring. my mind goes round and round
with arranging arranging arranging.
it's hard to figure all of this out virtually by myself...hardware and software
breaking...i'm not too technically minded and all of it pretty much gives
me anxiety when it breaks and i need some $ to get things back how they were...
with jason moved out i have 1,000 more in bills and i'm struggling. i have three really nice camcorders i could be using right now that are broken in my hallway...with no money to fix them and no car to drop them off anywhere to get fixed.
jason helps me SO much, but he can only do so much as he works fulltime, is preparing for a HUGE java test and going bcak to college for his masters etcetc
so...things go A LOT more slowly than if i had more $ and my driver's license and some technical no-how.
and then a lot personally and emotionallly...i'm trying to get off all of
my medications ,which is so difficult, partly because i really think i could
maybe be without them and also just because i don't have 430 bucks to spend
on them anymore.
so i go through bouts of anxiety, depression, insomnia, sleeping way too
my body goes up and down trying to find middle ground.
and that's just sme of it.
i'm not saying this to make anyone feel bad for me...i try not to say too much of this..altho i maybe say too much of it...i don't know...
i'm only saying it i guess to let u know why things are the way they are and that sometimes my process is sticky messy and boring to watch.
i can't get my brain into the campic when i'm thinking so hard or when i'm just thoroughly exhausted. then when i finally DO have some energy...i need to clean my house that i neglect while i'm thinking so hard.
my process is not all that fun to watch right now. there's not much anyone or i can do about it except to accept it and move through it in the way i best know how at that time.
i certainly will hold no hard feelings whatsoever to anyone...if you or anyone
leaves ana2! :) i TOTALLY understand your frustration. u don't want to pay
ten bucks to watch THIS particular process in my life.
hopefully other processes will be more interesting to poke around in, i hope
it is , of course, stressful as hell, to have how interesting or noninteresting
my processes are determine how much money i will have each month.
but i really must stick with my "artistic integrity" and only do
what comes from my heart and not try to force anything entertaining.
i hope that u respect that, and therefore when i DO do something interesting to u, u know that is coming from the core of my being as truthfully as i can make it :)
THANK u for being with me THIS far :) i truly appreciate your patronage and everyone else's enormously!!!
i may not express that as well as i'd like to at this time. and i am definitely working on ways to improve it.
with livejournal...
i do want to make a private ana2 only LJ that will take the place of anagrams...
it will be one continuous anagram that i make ALL day. pictures from the cam
and my digital stuff plus anapix and text will ALL go into it at the time
it was there will be a running dialogue of words nad pictures right
next to the campicture at all times.
that is why i am playing around with i frames
if anyone knows of a way i can tale the code from LJ and put it into ana2..onto my server...please let me know. i need help. jason doesn't have time to help me with that right now...i don't know if ANYone has the time for something like that. but i'm putting out the call :)
many things that are on anacam right now are soon going to be moving into ana2 as i cannot afford the bandwidth right now. it went up 200 bucks just last month but my memberships are , of course, logically, decreasing...
SO... :) lol :) i am juggling a LOT!
i want to move anapix into ana2 because they suck up most of my bandwidth.
but i don't want a big uproar about how i am then making money off of art
that my fans gave me so generously for free.
perhaps i will ask the people who have made the anapix if they would donate
it to me to put into ana2 so that my costs will get lower.
or perhaps someone will put the anapix on their server?
anacam will most likely become A LOT more minimalistic VERY soon. i'm going to ask if i can move anadoll in here, maybe i'll put anart in here too.
i'm going to make the archive in anacam thunbnails only and limit what i wriet out there perhaps too...
i don't know exactly how it will go yet. i like to communicate with as many people as it's very hard...yet i also want it to be place in here that is well cared for.
my intention is to make that happen.
Posted by ANA on July 02, 2001 at 03:25:24:
In Reply to: Re: the process posted by katt on July 02, 2001 at 03:06:48:
thank u katt :) seriously tho...if u ever want to go, i won't be mad :)
i am seriously considering doing many of the things that u have mentioned.
i just don't want to take so much away from anacam that everyone stops going
to it altogether and then i'll get no NEW signups 'cause no one will be talking
about anacam nor writing about it since it will all be invisible to the public.
and i love to talk to so many people at would be hard for me to
give up talking to thousands of people a day to become, what i would feel
almost private ( lol, as if then a few hundred is actually private :)
i get so many emails from people all over the world who visit my site who
are just so happy that anacam is there for whatever reason...
they like anacam and i like that they like that's the trade off :)
i just don't know what to do...i'm torn as i have been since the beginning of this entire endeavour...and seems it only gets harder as the years go by for me to know what to do and where the balance is.
i just wish EVERYONE ( well, not EVERYONE) would join ana2 and then i could have the best of both worlds and i could have money to get it all working properly etc etc...
but the sad fact is, is that as much as people love anacam, most are not
going to pay for it for whatever reason and that seems to be the fact.
i am grateful that i make a living!
i don't know. i just don't want to make a bad decision then watch my site die.