flippity flop [26 Jun
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | sound of my fan and early birds chirping ]
thank u everyone who helped
me throughout the night fiddling around with new ideas.
i shall now flop into my bed :)
goth barbie [26 Jun 2001|02:27pm]
i had a dream that they came out with "goth barbie", dressed in
a long black dress with a black veil. on the box it said she liked to "mourn"
and "type"
tissueonmyroof [26 Jun 2001|03:21pm]
my new fave journal, i love this girl's pictures!
i feel a real sense of
closeness with this journal, and diversify, myredself, and purifiance. we
all do photos that are uniquelly our own, yet very similiar.
it makes me feel odd and excited that there are these women that take photos
in the same vein...yet we've never known each other until now. it feels like
we've been speaking with each other telepathically or meeting up somewhere
when we dream :)
i want to talk more about
why each of us perhaps chooses this style of self portraiture...but i need
to think about it more...
photos of us with our heads not in the picture...or just bits and pieces of
us. mysterious and disjointed but comforting. hiding yet not hiding. crawling
in and out and on top of furniture..i can't explain it. but it means so much
to me...
the dissonant lull of the air conditioner [26 Jun 2001|04:26pm]
well, my cable tv is gone now :(
and in 1/2 an hour jason and i are gonna go out on the scooter and get some
i've been playing fetch with sebastian all afternoon. he can really hold onto
that thing, i can hold him up in the air as he holds onto his rag bone with
his teeth! it's like a cartoon :)
it's so hot here. almost 90 again. it makes me very unenergetic and i have
to keep all the blinds pulled so it stays cooler in here. the dissonant lull
of the air conditioner makes my brain fog over. and i have my period today
so i'm especially feeling rather boneless
sorry anacam keeps getting
stuck on the same picture...something is screwy with my chillcam again:/ i
don't know why it is still working for ana2 , tho, but i'm thanking my lucky
stars for it!
a family of water balloons. [26 Jun 2001|08:38pm]
ah! i still have cable :) i guess it was just down today. yay! :) altho it
will be shut off on the 5th of july, i found out.
i'm so puffed out i feel like i'm going to give birth to a family of water balloons.
i'm trying to add captions to my entries now so u can sort through my entries by topic.
i didn't know i had access to this infomation:
how many Journal entries
i've made: 1,573
how many Comments i've Posted: 1477
how many comments i've Received: 12699
# of usernames i've banned: 99
find out out where LJ
stands in the voting for the webby awards so far here:
stinkypuff snuggawuffles [26 Jun 2001|09:30pm]
the doglets need a bath.
for those of u who may have missed it...if you'd like the option to post in my journal (since it's friends only now to keep out harrassers), add me as a friend, and i'll add u back :) or write and tell me your username to ana101@hotmail.com
i'm going up to jason's
to snuggle for a bit...
mobilecam :) [26 Jun 2001|09:50pm]
the mobilecam should soon be up and running again very soon because maw sent
me a laptop that used to belong to katt :) i'm checking it all out right now
:)))) thank u maw and katt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)))))) oxoxoxoxoxoxox!!!