
cherry popsicles for all my friends :) [25 Jun 2001|11:52am]
i am adding everyone as a friend who has added me as a that is probably the EASIEST way to get my attention and get added as my friend so that u can post in my journal :)
so far , i am up to date with adding everyone :) thank u!!

if u don't want to list me as a friend, but want to be added email me, and let me know your LJ username so i can add u :)

but, fair warning...anyone who uses my friends list as a way to blatantly advertise stuff in a way that i find irritating will be deleted. or anyone who has an especially offensive LJ, to me will be deleted.

my livejournal is NOT about freedom of speech and i will censor it in anyway i deem appropriate. end of subject. my site and my journal NEVER was about freedom of speech. i don't know WHY people think it ever was., so if u want to complain about that...well, you won't be able to post about it HERE :)

my journal is an extension of my house. people who are rude will be deleted.
you CAN disagree with me, just don't be an asshole about it. and i will be the one to judge whether or not you are being an asshole.


want me to add YOUR friends? why not! :) [25 Jun 2001|01:45pm]
oh and...since i have now added so many people to my friends list that it's utterly crazy, let me know if u wanna add YOUR friends to my list so u can monitor them here TOO if u want. i may as well pull out all the stops :)

but post what friends u want added to this entry....i will take your word that they are cool

if, instead of the menu on the right...i want my livejournal to be in that frame do i do it? i swear i just cannot figure it out :/

[25 Jun 2001|02:51pm]
i'm out with my dad :)
i'll be back soon

my aunt has forgotten who i am [25 Jun 2001|05:32pm]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | the dissonant sound of my air conditoner ]

today was my first experience with having a relative forget who i am. she doiesn't remember much at all. it was disconcerting for her and for me. i don't know what to make of it.
now i have a few more things of hers to unpack and put in my kitchen...and it is bittersweet and surreal to say the least.
i wonder if i will ever get like that.
and she had become so small. i think even i could have picked her up.
i bought her sunflowers and cherries and she really loved those.

it was good to see my dad.
today is a real scorcher. i'm not going out there until the sun goes down a bit.
how has your day been?
tonight i'm going to watch "the 6th day"
what do u think of LJ being right next to the cam on anacam instead of the menu? is that better for anyone..or worse?