
top 5 favourite livejournals at the moment [21 Jun 2001|12:10am]
which are your top five most favourite livejournals to read at the moment? and why?

mine are:

jacqui :

'cause she has the most interesting incites about life. she is very honest in her writings. she has an amazing very descriptive writing style that really sucks me in. she finds the coolest pictures to post


she is an amazing photographer and she has a unique way of dealing with and talking about her life and her scholiosis

she really pours her heart out and tells it all and says it like it is and isn't afraid to show her fears and because her life is so different than mine, and that interests me.

for the same reasons as tantra

'cause she's my best friend and always has something nutty, interesting, funny, or thought provoking to say.

you really hurt me. [21 Jun 2001|01:13am]

(thanks blonnie for showing me that!)

[21 Jun 2001|01:29am]
on the anacam remote, you may now put a banner of yours up there for only 5 bucks a day!
and after i did that i found out that my bill for my anacam server went up 200 bucks this month :/
psychic business planning!

[21 Jun 2001|05:08am]
suns coming up again
i'm hungry
i have to pee
i hate my hair
i'm happy
i'm inspired
i wish i were more tired
i went through diversify, purifiance, myredself livejournals
from beginning to end.
SUCH lovely pictures and words, so much more to see
movie after movie begins and end on my tv throughout the night without much notice from me.
i guess i'll eat some cold french fries
put on a sweater
put some clothes in the dryer
'cause i like to fall asleep to the sound of that

[21 Jun 2001|05:19am]
oh my god i really do need to take some cool pictures!
i feel inspired NOW but i really must sleep. i hope that when i wake up i will make cool pictures AND go for a walk!

[21 Jun 2001|01:12pm]
i'm up. new day :)

Subject: A.Word.A.Day--vug

vug (vug, voog) noun

A small cavity in a rock, often lined with crystals of a different mineral.

[From Cornish vooga cave.]

"`Hey, it's a big mountain,' he said. `It's not a question of IF there's
another vug. The question is, will we find it?'"
Steven Saint, CC&V Mine Digs Deep, The Colorado Springs Gazette-Telegraph
Aug 14, 2000.

This week's theme: yours to discover.

[21 Jun 2001|03:15pm]
ummmmmm, hi! :)
i'm in a cheerful mood today :)
i'm gonna plug in the hub i got from jennifer today later on
i need to get back to stretching...i can't even touch my toes anymore!
and i cannot WAIT until i get my friggin period! come ON already!
i feel like a floatation device
i'm rearranging chiffon scarves
listening to david bowie

[21 Jun 2001|06:47pm]
tsenft showed me this:

ohmigod TOO funny!!!

[21 Jun 2001|07:06pm]
gonna watch JFK now

[21 Jun 2001|10:10pm]
well, according to the JFK shall be interesting to see if we can see the secret documents by 2029. if there are any left...