
fuck [15 Jun 2001|01:59am]
i just spent the last hour or more creating this huge page with one weeks worth of journal stuff on it...and i went and changed all the fonts each to different things and made a zillion links and grrrrrr. i just erased the whole thing :((((

[15 Jun 2001|02:32am]
ah, i found the page. it wasn't erased. aaaaaaaaaa :)
new anagramup on ana2. god, that took me 5 hours!
me sleepy now. tres sleepy...

[15 Jun 2001|12:09pm]
i apologize to angelicdestiny for my childish behaviour the other day. that was wrong of me and hypocritical. i am not being sarcastic, i'm serious. sorry. i was hurt and i let my anger get the best of me.
if i want the world to be a better place, i better step up to the plate.

[15 Jun 2001|12:18pm]
i miss my blonde hair. the second my hair gets healthy enough for me to fry it again, i'm going blonde again. yesirree.

i hope i go on a nice long walk again today. it helped me so much to do so yesterday. i explored a new piece of my neighbourhood and i want to go back there and explore further. and i want to try out my rollerskates in this one parking lot. it's a crime that i bought new rollerskates last summer and i still haven't tried them out!

[15 Jun 2001|03:31pm]
i feel disgusted with myself for not being able to kick myself out of my lazy mode and get motivated. what is wrong with me? what is my deal? why is it that day after day lately i just let the days pass by. this has to stop. i need something i can sink my teeth into. i know what i can do...i just don't do it. absolutely stupid of me. there is no excuse for this.
but beating myself up about it only makes this matter worse and further paralyzes me. double stupid.
u can see it's a catch 22, a downward spiral.
i'm hardly bad off at all....i just wanna nip this monster in the bud before it really DOES end up being a huge detriment to me.
i'm waiting for a jolt of energy from something..but it's not going to happen. i just have to take one minute at a time and one step at a time. set the wheels in motion the other way around. it's not gonna happen all in one day. and i'm not going to whine about it anymore except just in this entry. that's it.
it drives me nuts how i have to relearn this almost weekly.

join me on a fast from surfing and reading forums! [15 Jun 2001|04:18pm]
ok, who wants to join me on a week long "fast" from surfing the internet?
i will still post in here and check up on anacam admin things i need to know...but i will take a vacation from reading replies to my posts here, and also to my forums and all other forums...and the internet in general.
i'll report back here next friday on what my week was like without surfing and forums (i'll still be reading email)
anyone wanna join me in this challenge? and we can all report back here next friday night?

(ok, i'm starting now...5:30pm CST)

my name is ana voog, and i am a LJ junkie. [15 Jun 2001|06:35pm]
ok, i miss surfing the internet already. this is ridiculous! and it's so weird knowing i'm posting this but not knowing if u are there 2 read it or what is going on. maybe this will get easier after a few days..but the first hour is definitely hard. i'm trying to rationalize things like, "one more peek" at the livejournal..just ONE.
damn u brad fitzpatrick. damn u for turning me into a livejournal junkie.
i'm staring wistfully and confused-like at my computerscreen, like a dog at the front door waiting to be let back in.

*goes off into the corner to sweat and shake*