June 8th, 2003


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bionicgurl made me a scarf :)


what on earth am i dreaming?



things that happen on the edge of a bed...

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i know some of those pictures won't interest you.

but i just love the pictures of jason's feet because he's just so damn cute :) and i love the way our feet interact.

i also love the cute ways the dogs lay on my bed and the way they guard their bones :)




a few "ana-mations" by ben longer

i sure have lost some weight from those last two!

i don't know if you can tell, but i can!


i didn't feel so well today.
but later on we went to mancini's which is this mafia-esque italian steak and lobster place.

our food was slow to arrive, and this guy came out WAY too seriously and was quite upset about it...it was like something out of the sopranos. and the waitress had to comfort him on the way back to the kitchen. they gave us free drinks. so weird!

i wore my clear boots and white furry hat, and sometimes i forget that people will stare. man, did i ever get stared at! in fact, as i went walking to the bathroom, at one point, a whole row of tables CLAPPED for me as i walked by. i took a bow.

the food was excellent, tho. :)