anagram 051501

[12 May 2001|04:17pm]
64 pix :)

i hope he remembered to bring his towel... [12 May 2001|04:22pm]
douglas adams has died :(

here is something i posted in the whitelight LJ community [12 May 2001|05:34pm]
i don't know how many people that look at my LJ also belong to this group and/or also check out my friends list...
so...this is a test to see what's up with that, etc
here are some pix i have taken in the last few weeks :)

[13 May 2001|03:58pm]
what has surprised u most in the last month?
the last week?
the last day?

and has this caused u to think differently or be different in any way?
if so..why...if not..why?

m-OTHER [13 May 2001|04:00pm]
YOU are my mother
thank u for being here :)
thank u for all that u have given me :)

[14 May 2001|06:06am]

[14 May 2001|10:53pm]
well, i've been fiddling around with a lot of html on anacam, and with the livejournal.
i just want the remote cam to have another frame underneath it that contains my livejournal...with scrollbars! ack. now i'm just trying to put one together that loks like i want ( but won't be functional) and see if anyone has any tips! la la la

it was so hot here 90 degrees. when summer comes here, it just comes right away! it was like a bog in my house...i was delirious

i fuct up all the font sizes on here and i can't get them back the way they were. blarg.

[15 May 2001|02:58am]
so frustrating..i am so close 2 getting chillcam to work for me...i have it sending to ana2...but have anacam as another thing it's sending..and the pic won't show up on anacam and i can't figure out why. it says it got sent successfully. aaa!
so close....but...i...must....slllllllleeeeeep

[15 May 2001|12:40pm]
ok, i'm up. feels like today is gonna be another scorcher.
i'm gonna try to get anacam working again. it stopped working for me last night..dunno why.
i have coca cola again :) woo hoo!

[15 May 2001|02:25pm]
sebastian found a tube of blue acrylic paint and chewed it. ack.
now it's on the carpet, that i simpossible to get out. rats.
and sebastian has blue paws and a blue chin. i'm just glad it didn't poison him!

i've been fixing links on ana2 and anacam all day and reading email, LJ, and forums

yesterday i went 2 a park with the dogs and around 8 people came up to comment on them and touch them.
a white biker, a white mother, 2 black kids, an irish guy named dustin, 2 homeless hispanics, and one homeless indian.

i wish i could speak spanish
i wish i could speak every language

but cute dogs cross all cultural barriers!

[15 May 2001|02:27pm]
[ mood | busy ]
[ music | loud air conditioner and street noise ]

is this font too small to read?

it's 90 degrees here!

me hungry.

i'm watching the last few hours of

[15 May 2001|08:04pm]
i got a LOT of cleaning done today. i'm starting to be able to see my floor and i've got the hallway so i won't trip on stuff. i have so many bruises on my legs from whacking into stuff. jason just got home. i think we might go get some dairy queen or something. we wanna take the scooter out for the first time this year, but then we gotta get it gas and all that jazz.
the sunset id beautiful.
it was 100 degrees today! sometimes i like the winters here more than the summers!

[15 May 2001|10:12pm]
delicious warm summer breeze. mmmmmmmm. i am purring :)