Apr 2001|03:24pm]
new anagram up with 145 pictures and 10 movies :)
post comment
[29 Apr 2001|08:54pm]
i am on a major organizing and cleaning spree...it feels great :)
now i'm getting a bit tired tho 'cause i stopped for an hour to watch the
gonna try to build uo some momentum again
i just want everything in it's place FINALLY, y'know?
[30 Apr 2001|03:08pm]
the leaves are coming out more and more!
this weather reminds me of when i was in new orleans years ago....
warm, foggy, humid as hell, rainish, grey grey grey.
everything feels damp
now i want a dehumidifier. that's next on my list
my body and mind are teetering on the dreamstate
jason woke me
up with the phone a bit ago and i told him part of my dream i was having right
them about an english teacher named elizabeth mayday who was so hateful and
fearful of me, but i didn't know why...
and about my telepathic frog i got and how our friendship evolved over time
still stuck on the last day of school which is my recurring dream, but at
least it's becoming more and more of a nonissue in my dream.
rollerskating around the halls of the school/governmentbuilding/hospital
my colourful dreams are stil waiting for me beyond this grey day..still replaying..they are just foggy from this side of the fence
i have coca cola
now and that is good
[30 Apr 2001|07:03pm]
satin sheets.
champagne (off white) ?
if i painted my livingroom black, would that make the temperature hotter in
here when the sun shone in?
also http://www.graffiti.org looks mighty cool
i'm looking for
unusual paints that will crackle like an old painting...or other textures
that can be done with paint...
oooo, http://www.travelocity kicks ass :)
i really could afford to go to estonia and tokyo for less than 1,000 :)
(not counting hotel, etc )
man, i just wanna get on a plane and GO
but i need a passport
fuck, do i ever want 2 travel [01 May 2001|02:23pm]
tallin, estonia
Reykjavik, iceland
so....do i have
any people in these countries who would let me stay with them for a few days?
just puttin' my feelers out :)
anyone in tokyo who would let me stay with them
for a few days?
i want to go do puri kura and kaeroke!
i wrote this for the chicago tribune just now [01
May 2001|03:06pm]
i don't know if anything i say will make it in...and i hope to god that they
do not edit my sentences so that things are taken out of context. so i'm posting
this here, so u can see what i really said as opposed to what they might edit
it to be ( IF they use any of my quotes at all)
here was the letter:
Hi, Ana,
I'm writing a story for the Chicago Tribune about fame circa 2001.If
you're willing and able, I'd like to interview you for the story. I've
included a few questions below; if you're cool with being interviewed
and have a few minutes to e.mail the answers back to me, that would be
Thanks much.
+++++why do you do Anacam? does it have anything to do with trying to
become famous?
##### i started anacam as an experiment in communication. to communicate my experiences to the world like a giant "show and tell" and get to hear other's experiences as well. throughout the 4 years i've been doing this, i have come to the conclusion that my site is not about me at all, but rather i giant mirror that reflects back the viewers own psyche. anacam is a giant ink blot :) i don't do this to be famous, i do it to communicate to as many people as possible...and to do that, fame is obviously a side effect of doing that. it's also very much a feminist project as i become the icon of the fake breasted blonde girl, and then blow that icon up from the inside by doing the opposite of what is expected of that icon.
+++++do you consider yourself to be famous (in any way)?
since several million people have visited anacam, and i have been on tv around the world, and magazines around the world, and even been on the cover of newsweek and my anacam has been shown in the museum of modern art in new york, i think it's safe to say i am SOMEWHAT famous. cult staus perhaps :)
+++++if so, at what point did you realize you were
famous? if not, at
what point do you think you will have achieved some sort of fame?
i felt somewhat famous right away, as i was the 2nd 24/7 cam on the net (the first being jennicam, of course) and i was about the 7th camgirl on the net and i was the first to call my anacam Art.... there weren't many cams, and i am pretty weird so when i got on the net my site exploded with people and i ended up on hardcopy, vibe, E!, newsweek, yahoo internet life, playboy, new york times...etc. it was absolutely wild and wonderful. i didn't know which way the wind was blowing! it has died down now since there are SO many cams, but i still have a hardcore "audience" of around 10,000 people
+++++do you think it's easier to become famous now
because of the
Internet (or other things like reality TV)? is that a different kind of fame?
definitely. the avenues for communication are exploding open and ideas and knowledge are being dispersed around the world at lightning speed. it is absolutely fascinating to watch this Renaissance in communication evolve :)
+++++ how do you define fame? is fame important or
relevant to you? who
do you consider to be famous?
fame is when a ton of people know about you. the more
people that know who u are , the more famous u are.
it's just a side effect of what i do, it's not what motivates me at all, but
because it is such an interesting side effect i do definitely pay attention
to it and all the
preconceived stereotypical ideas that automatically come with it, like "
if u are famous u are rich", "if u are famous u are having your
ego fed 24/7 and everyone is kissing your ass" and "famous people
don't talk to the common people and are snobs who refuse to live in reality"
and the biggest one of alln that is the most hurtful is that when u are famous
many people have a hard time seeing u as a real person, u become icon-shaped
punching bag for everyone's insecurities. there are also very kind people
as well, i have met the most astounding cool people on this planet. they are
what keeps me going :)
it would take a book to tell u who i think is famous so i'll just say my favourite famous person " tori amos" :)
dark chocolate and zippity zworks in #anacam [01
May 2001|03:24pm]
conversation in #anacm between scott
batemen and i :)
i feel like doing everything all at once
so i do nothing
except eat dark chocolate
and type thinga
Sounds good to me.
i gotta get this cam pointed at me
I'm not getting anything done today, either.
these things are so monstrous and unweidly
Zooks ahoy!
flippity flop!
*** Q changes topic to 'www.anacam.com'
flibberty floo!
zappity zwang!
noopa noopa!
fliiy-oppity in the grad norsesh fangs
because there was a reason she went there
and found out thihngs about the nibbity nang
What sorts of things...?
this szwhilly zworped her tumblo
I've had my tumblo zworped. I was in bed for a week.
and sh eflet all granopolis in her fiffiborious cradjacket
in her fiffiborious cradjacket
Did the funchlebunchle eat the fustaflooweegie bush?
not only that...
i think it really forbed his antwerp
ok that's my lj entry :)
And here I thought the kerthumleberries were lextaricious.
hey u gettin' tricky wit dat
[01 May 2001|04:45pm]
the wind is whipping around. looks like a storm is coming. i'm working on
8 new pages for the archives on ana2. i really should be getting ready to
go out and see U2
[01 May 2001|05:21pm]
i'm eating asiago and kavli and ftping.
the sky is getting darker.
pupsters roaming.
i'll be leaving in an hour
[01 May 2001|05:35pm]
wind on my body
tori's "god"
i almost don't
want to go to the U2 concert because this storm looks far more entertaining
[01 May 2001|05:56pm]
torrential rain
beautiful rain
with hail and wind
i stick my head out the window to get wet
but if i lean too far out i'll fall
i can smell the earth and the new leaves and grass
gorgeous spring green with water everywhere
wooshing down the streets
woooshing into my hair
severe thunderstorm
warning sirens
carolyn is to be here in 1/2 an hour and i'm totally not ready
[01 May 2001|06:12pm]
now the sun is shining beautifully :)
i'm feeding my
dogs carrots and listening to XTC and the Raincoats
i wonder if my garment steamer will come today. i have a big pile of fabric
to steam!
then i can finally fold it all and put it on shelves, which i've been waiting
for over ten years to do!
i'm very excited about making stuffed animals :)
[02 May 2001|01:25pm]
when is mother's day?
and when is father's day?
[02 May 2001|03:05pm]
i got a waterproof covering for my mattress, thank GOD.
no more bubble wrap
i might go out today and get at least a bottom sheet today :)
i got most of my bills paid today *whew*
my garmet steamer also cam etoday...i am going to go take it out of it's box now :)
i'm listening
2 bowie
i feel like such a cavechick in my leather dress *grrr* :)