april 21st, 2003


i bought 2 books by robert bruce

practical psychic self defense
(understanding and surviving unseen influences)


astral dynamics
(a new approach to out-of-body experience)

i have astral projected quite a few times in my life. but i can never make it completely out of my body and i cannot do it at will. it has always been a very unpleasant and freaky experience for me. so i'm hoping that by reading this book and , eventually, practicing to astral project, it will become a pleasant thing and not something i fear.


it's 60 degrees out and finally not raining.
i hope i get outside to enjoy this. i want to get outside and walk the opposite way i usually walk to see what awaits there to take pictures of.

jason put together my computer he got me for my birthday but just one little part doesn't work yet. so he is going to have his friend come over and take a look at it.

i am really amazed that jason was able to buy all the parts separate and put it together himself so far. and he taught himself and from the looks of it, it looks very complex! he is so amazing.

the other day he told me that one of the actresses he would truly love to meet is edith from all in the family. i don't know why i didn't know that until now. it's still so cool that there are things about him i don't know. and the fact that he wants to meet edith make me fall in love with him all the more :)

ok, i'm going to start to get ready to go out. at least to the little store to get some food.


under the bed


i don't know why i wanted to draw something
so girly that it's ridiculous.

maybe because i just turned 37.

and maybe because i've been feeling so masculine, i wanted to balance myself out.

or maybe it's just a wish for something simple, pure, and good because my life has been so complicated and full of pain.

i've just had this desire to to draw something that looks whimsical.




i'm just being quiet.