anagram 040700
shine on (78KB) (snippet from cd)
silly old song i sang spur of the moment( 1.61 MB)
when i first got my realproducer 2 send sound 2 everyone back in 1997!
keifer saved it and stuck it on the cd of my archives that he sent me. so
i just rediscovered it's presence! i didn't knwo anyone could record me! but
this is a funny thing, i'm singing it a bit out of tune, i learned it from
a mel torme record my dad had. i always wanted 2 sing old songs like this
and turn them into 78s, and this really DOES sound like it is a 78! so that
makes me happy. i can almost hear what i would have sounded like on record
if i had been born 40 years earlier!
maybe someday i could actually find a mchine that makes old 78s..however they
did it. but i doubt it. i'm sure it must take A LOT of machinery 2 do it.
i need 2 figure out how 2 make wav files and mpg files. so much 2 learn!
here is a REAL old song that every time i hear it i feel so meloncholy
(4.53MB) and wish i had some opium and some green tea with amber incense swirling
by me
it's called one more wish dear. and i don't know why it's by or who is singing
this but it's from the bladerunner soundtrack which i don't have but wish
i had. i got this mp3 from a friend :)
and new in the first apartment section is pussy tv!
for the past few days i have been CONSUMED with archiving and make a wall of sevens. i have now sorted through THOUSANDS of pictures from the 1st 5 months of anacam and i've gotten rid of the really boring ones. going through nov. 97 alone took me 5 hours! now i have the daunting task of trying 2 figure out what kind of order i should put them in. like sleeping pix, blatant sexuality pix, coy smiles pix , content smiles pix, random unplanned smiles pix, eating cereal category, etc.
i have now seen SO many pictures of me smiling my jaw actually aches from looking at them. u want 2 se me smile? well, soon u will have your wish!
here is something i wrote a memeber who said he wished i would smile more ( hi 2 u if u read this! *** )
"i used to smile because i had one camera that refreshed every 2 minutes only and i had an audible timer ticking telling me whern the picture would be taken , so every two minutes i would look up and smile :) but i can't do that for THREE years :) y'know what i mean? LOL that would be exhausting and fake. hehe, it wasn't CATCHING me smile, i smiled on purpose because i had just gotten the cam and i thought that i had better smile! so....priorities change and things evolve...and believe me i am just as happy now as i was then :) and if u look through the archive and anagrams there are tons of pix of me smiling, too...just not every two minutes on purpose :)"
i just wanna
say tho, that for all the smiling pix i've done, i DID feel like smiling,
even tho they were planned, they were sincere :)
and of course u know i do smile now, the cam just doesn't always catch me
at that very second when i do!
oh man, u's gonnna be cool! i hope u will crack up at these archives coming
up soon 'cause there are some REAL humdingers!
like "pussy tv" and auctioning off my used tampon! my GOD do i kick
ass :)
mwahahaha :)
then there
are the pix of jason and i first meeting, and the picture of my cat named
nova, and all the posing stuff i did. the posing covered in paint stuff. and
just...SO much. it's a crime i'm just getting around now 2 putting these things
up. and then there are pictures with hilarious captions that just do NOT go
with the pictures and BATHS GALORE with doll parts :) and "thee modern
grrl iz entertainment valu! and stories stories stories!
and NO i am not going 2 put up "the pizza night" 'cause i feel that
would be disrepectful of jason. sorry folks!
but jason has given me the go ahead 2 put up a few pix of having a reeeeeeallly
good time together :) oooo :)
lemme see, what else? guns! pms! giant pink stuffed teddy bears and masturbation! and lots of sleeping, too!
( and did i mention eating A LOT of cereal?)
some time 2 get this up. i most likely won't be doing anything tomorrow because
negativland are coming and then i'm hanging out with one of them ( mark )
on sunday. so i don't know how much cool cam stuff i'll be able 2 do or work
on archives. i WANT 2 bring my laptop along and broadcast live, BUT i know
that the cdpd modem cannot get connected inside 1st ave. because of it's big
thick walls ( it used 2 be a train station )
so i might bring my laptop with and save it 2 my harddrive but i dunno how
they will react 2 that. maybe i'll just lug it along and hope they won't be
shy of my cam!
but it's also hard 2 'cause that "mobile" laptop is DANG heavy and
has mucho cords flailing from it! *sigh* i need a little itty bitty laptop
BADLY like a libretto or something! or that ibook thing ...what's it called..the
thing with the cam attached right into the monitor? it's really cool :)
ok, i gotta get this up and stop typing now. i have been working like mad on archives for about 10 hours today. and i can't sleep well lately, i am soooo nervous and i am running out of xanax and i don't know HOW on earth i am going 2 stretch my xanax out until wednesday when i see my dr. so i'm gonna go take a sominex and hopefully that might help some. i am just REALLLY hyper! and i'm glad i'm putting my energy into good use, but i'd love a full night's sleep TONIGHT! i can only sleep for about 4 or 6 hours lately and it's driving me nuts.
oh, and i rearranged my desk so that now i can see the tv and look out the window from where i sit at my desk. and also that the sun with be distributed more evenly across my face instead of coming at me from the side.
and 2 of my
main cams are broken right now, so if u don't see as many camera angle changes
lately and for awhile 2 come, that is why :(
i'm gonna make a section 2 put ana-mations in that i didn't make. if u made
some and want me 2 include them send 'em 2 :)
"streaming ana" :) by scott bateman :)
"anadance" by bush marc
by bush marc :)
here are some posts i made on a different private bulletin board:
responding 2 a woman who thought a certain thing that was written was sexist :
Posted by ANA on Monday, 3 April 2000, at 5:29 a.m., in response to Re: Perfect words for perfect women. :), Sunday, 2 April 2000, at 9:40 p.m.
ummm, i think
u were rather harsh on this. are u on the rag? ( JUST KIDDING!!! major sarcasm!)
u wrote:
> ...the realization that she is actually going to have an old age and
some money set aside to fund it...
Don't bet
on it!! only 45% of the population of the US reaches 65 (mind you that is
one of the worlds highest ratings so congratulate yourselves), so its more
likely you won't have an old age
i say..., " well, i don't know about u but i certainly plan 2 get really
old and i'm very much looking forward to it! of course i can't KNOW this for
certain, but really u can't say for certain any of those things either...even
if it is statistics. i'm not gonna let myself get down over some statistics.
u wrote:
> ...eight matching plates, wine glasses with stems, and a recipe for a
meal that will make her guests feel honored...
I don't have a table that can seat 8 ... will 6 be ok? ... and can I order take out? and Why can't he cook ... especially if he's better at it. Do I need to have someone to cook for? Can they be men or can they be women too. Are friends any less important if we sit on the floor with pizza or is this just about dressing up? This one really angered me ... women don't need to be superficial ... this statement says they do.
i say, " ya, six if fine! sure i love take out! i don't know why u assumed
just because u have 8 wine glasses and eight matching plates that u can't
STILL eat on the floor with that :) i do :) i don't even have a table! of
course u don't NEED anyone to cook for..the premise of it was IF u had guests.
men..women..transgendered..whatever! what gave u the impression it couldn't
be a mixture of humans and space aliens? actually SOME space aliens actually
NEED 7 if you're having dinner for two with one, having 8 plates
would be good...unless, of course, u plan on eating with ...a BOWL *gasp"
why not eat pizza on the plate? why not stack all the plates and balance pizza
slices on the remaining wine glasses? this is a very cool custom on on venus,
as every woman SHOULD know! where does it say u have to be dressed up in that?
where does it say u even have to wear clothes? i don't know why having nice
plates would automatically make anyone superficial. (?) and maybe he can't
cook're single? or maybe you're a lesbian! or perhaps u live
with a lesbian android and a man, but the man has no arms or legs and the
android hasn't been programmed to cook?
u wrote:
> to have a good time at a party she'd never choose to attend...
Sounds like something a man wrote
i say, "why?"
my mom makes me go to parties i don't want to go to and she's not a man (
or IS she? hmmmmm.)
u wrote:
> ...that she can't change the length of her calves, the width of her hips,
or the nature of her parents...
yep she can
(about 3 inches total in 4 sections), just have a baby, they'll change themselves
as they get older (mine did)
i say, " actually u CAN'T change your parents , u can't change anyone
but yourself. but of course people do change! but not because u did it :)
i guess u could change the length of things with surgery, babies, or a major
car accident!
u wrote:
If a woman needs to be told or reminded of this then she's already too far
gone for it to do any help.
i say, " i agree with cyka, sometimes i like 2 be reminded of some basics.
i don't know if these are MY basics..i really have delved THAT far into this
yet, but i still had a nice feeling after i read it :)
about getting older:
Posted by ANA on Monday, 3 April 2000, at 6:01 a.m., in response to Re: Perfect words for perfect women. :), 3 April 2000, at 5:42 a.m.
i understand
actually i'm 33, i'll be 34 on april 18th ( yay! )
being in my thirties is WAYYYYYYyyyy better than being in my twenties.
i know what i want more, orgasms are MUCH BETTER! ( thanks 2 my hitachi magic
wand, as well, which i can't say enough good things about!)
and i really look forward to my 40's 'cause that's when i think i'll be really
peaking creatively and in so many other ways!
of course the wrinkle part sux, and i'll kick and scream like cher every inch
of the way :)
but i think it'll be cool when i'm REALLY super wrinkled like those old indian, they look so damn cool and i'm gonna kick ASS!
u think people get in a tiff when i prance around my house in the nude NOW, about when i'm 88! now THAT will be INTERESTING!
i will REDEFINE sexuality and age ( hehe....ah such visions of grandeur, can
u tell i am a double aries with leo rising? roar baby roar :)
ever seen an 88 year old naked tan as hell woman in metal boots with a cyber
arm that fires silver bullets made by jean paul gaultier and also has a built
in lighter and lipstick with compact? that'll be the desert with my
dome house and llamas painted multicolours with bells in their fur and i'll
make crop circles in my yard and U2 will helicopter in for tea ( they'll still
be alive 'cause they're richer :) and we'll channel georgia okeefe with the
online ouji board!
i dunno...i think i'm rather looking forward to that! :)