april 1st, 2003


i just couldn't get going or even move today. so exhausted and headachey.
i wonder if i just used up all my energy being nervous yesterday.
plus, i had no caffeine. and i refuse to have caffeine today.
and it was so gorgeous outside. what a huge bummer.
i'm stuck in a weird heavy dreamworld today.
i cannot move. my muscles hurt.
i'm going to try to go to bed early tonight so i can get up early.


ok, i've finally told everyone that i screwed up my journal and their friends list. that took days to sort out!
and i got all my ebay stuff packed and ready to take to the post office tomorrow.
and made a huge amount of progress on the little books. HUGE! i am so happy!
progress progress progress!

all day i have been so nervous.
coffee is partly to blame.

nwo i need to calm down and get to bed.
time for tylenol pm.

12:00 am

oh my god, it's april!
can you believe it???
18 days until i'm 37.
oh my god.
can u believe it?
so weird.
so very very very weird.