here are posts
i've made when i was in texas and up until today.
i watched movies today. boxing helena and this documentary about barbershop
quartets that was so marvelous it brough tears to my eyes. i'm weird like
that. if people get 4 part harmonies down...i get goosebumps. i also cry when
i watch the drum and bugle corps competions because when everyone is in sunc
like that it triggers such joy in me and goosebumps! i love barbershop quartets..i
love that old music like the andrew sisters. it's so melty and full, like
a perfect hot fudge sundae 2 eat in a warm old fashioned kitchen with all
the comforts like mom and homemade potholders and warn iron kettles filled
with soup and tea kettles whistling and a cat curled up in a corner purring.
and the guys singing in the quartets were so happy, it was so wonderful to
watch! it's so nerdy and so white, but by god i love it like i love toast
with peanut butter and honey!
and thank u fade for the hello kitty candy!
ah,, my back
is in little knots. and it's cold in here, so i'm wearing my GREAT russian
fur hat that cyka from cykakam sent me! the tag inside is in russian ( duh
) , it's so damn cool!
i've been bad with keeping up balancing my checkbook when i was in texas.
i just HAVE 2 write stuff down as i buy it on not wait for later! so here
i s an account of what i've bought in the last few weeks. hopefully i'm remembering
everything on not leaving stuff out!
dayton's ( a department store ):
3 pairs of
pantyhose for 24.00
one grey dress for 99.00 ( 2 wear on my panel, but i never did wear it that
day )
one long black dress: 119.00 ( 2 wear at the sxsw awards)
clinique ivory concealer and some cleanser made especially for getting make
up off and stopping zits: 29.96
a pair of boots and two purses: 101.19
2 velvet shawls: 144.45
the little
food and dry cleaning: 40.28
liquor store:
2 bottles of wine: 17.50
the little
food: 15.41
momoko ( this fantastic place in austin ):
cute stickers: 47.28
david's food
in texas:
2 bags of pretzels and a case of diet coke: 6.06
taco cabana in texas: 8.92
mail boxes, etc:
to send my awartds home , since i couldn't carry them on the plane: 60.12
and then i know i bought two pichers of yummy dark bear from this brewery for 11.00 bucks a piece
and i know i'm forgetting other stuff.
the little
store keeps forgetting to give me itemized receipts. they always used to do
it automatically. now i have 2 i don't exactly remember what i've
got there...but it's stuff like eggs and milk and apples and diet 7up
the dry cleaning was for jason's suits. i don't even know how much it was!
i haven't bought a new dress in ages. so it was cool to be able to wear a dress that didn't have a hole in it 'cause all my dresses are vintage and they are falling apart because they are so old. but i love them :)
i am still just low energy. so , i don't have too much of anything to say. which is a good thing. 'cause if i had a bunch 2 say, i wouldn't have the energy 2 type it out!
i am still recharging my batteries!
so that' s that nad here are the posts from the last week :
Posted by ANA on March 12, 2000 at 15:54:29:
as u know, i won best
webcam and people's choice award! so thank u everyone who voted 4 me u KICK
ASS! and i will think of doing something special with my cam as i way 2 properly
thank u!!!!!! OHMIGOD HJOW COOL! :)))) i have the kindest fans in the world!
i got into austin about 4:30pm. my plane was late 'cause they had 2 de-ice
it in memphis, TN, where i had 2 switch planes. it was a 5 hour plane ride
all in all and i was so exhausted from it. but get this....SOMEHOW when i
got my seating arrangement 4 my plane from memphis 2 austin, i got to be in
1st class!!!
ran ran ran to catch my 2nd plane in memphis and got there in the nick of
time and was about the last one 2 board...and i hadn't gotten my seating assigned
2 me they gu crabbily handed me my ticket. and i said 2 him "
oh , can i have a window seat?" and he looks lat my ticket really cranky
without ever looking at me " it is a window seat, so your in luck."
so i get in the plane and i look at where my seat is and it says i get seat
03d. an d isn't a window seat...but i'm thinking that zero CAN'T REALLY be
a zero, so i ask the attendant.."where is this seat?" and she says
"row three" ROW THREE! so i'm in first class! and someguy is seating
in my d seat, but the next seat to him, that is empty is a window seat! so
i got to sit by the window after all and in first class!
and in 1st class they give u free wine! :) kick ass :)
so i got off the plane
in better spirits. but i was so hyper and nervous and talked the poor girl
that had come to pick me up at the airport and bring me to the woman i'm staying
with's house. her name is janie and she is as cute as a button with her purplish
red hair :)
and then i have my crazy new hair, we ewre like 2 peas in a pod. and
she had rare radiohead tracks playing in her car, so that was a bonus, too.
so i got to the women
i'm staying with's house. her name is devota. very cool name. it is a family
name...her mother had that name and her grandma did , too.
so i got t devot'as house at 5...and the awards started at 6!!!!! ( o so we
thought, they actually started at 7 )
so i was freaking and trying 2 iron on this REALLY FAB dress i bought for
the occasionan and i was beyond starving 'cause all i had eaten was 1/2 of
a tucky turkey sandwhich i had on the plane. so devota had these yummy sesame
noodles and chicken tamales (sp?) so i inhaled those as i got my high heeled
shoes on and glued red rhinestones on my face 2 match my hair :)
and i have this gorgeous gre velvet shawl with fringe i wore , too...instead of a coat. but i battled with the shawl all night long...not knowing what on earth 2 do with it it ket sliding off me, so after awhile i just gave up and threw it down. actually, at the moment i took it off me and threw it on the floor was when i was giving my acceptance speech ( if u could call what i was saying an acceptance speech...i was more like a cross between woody allen and jennifer tilly stuck in a hyper girl's body). i was like, " and this shawl is just NOT working!" and threw it on the ground.
my speeches were pretty
goofy and i was a total spaz, as usual :)
and getting the people's choice one was soooo cool :) i will take pictures
of these awards later. especially when i get home so i can take pix with a
better camera. they are very pretty . they are glass with marble bases..and
the are cut all jaggedy and are heavy and will make VERY good weapons :)
after all that i just
hung out in the room that the awards had been and had beer and talked to many
interesting people. one of the people i met was the guy who made that beautiful
anapicfrom long ago where it is very light blue and i have delicate wings
on. u can see it by going to the anapix archive and it's on the first page
of anapic archive faves.
he was wearing a fab red feather boa and is starting a company called
also some guy who works for the city of austin asked me to dance, as there
was a live band playing this countrish music in there. so this guy showed
me how to do this two-step dance. after i got the hang of it , it was very
fun to do!
then i left with devota and we wen to come discoy club, but we decided 2 leav
and go to the place that deapleap was having their thing. it was at a club
called b sides. and so i sat in a booth and just talked to man interesting
people. then finally it was getting very late, and i was superrrrrr tired
and hungry and so was devota. so we went through a drive through mexican place
and ordered big sloppy burritos.
so we inhaled those then went straight to sleep.
so i got to sleep finslly, i think around 3 or 4 am.
and devota had 2 go back 2 the conventiion around noon, but i was still comatose.
so i slept until 2pm and now it's almost three and i gotta try to figure out
how t get back to the convention center soon 'cause i wanna check out a few
to my great dismay, but not surprisingly, at the awards ceremony i could not get connected with my computr 'cause the walla are too thick in there in order for me to get a good signal. so during the awards, as i battled my shawl and also my computer, i finally gave up, and i might have one semi interesting picture from it on my harddrive. but i couldn't really get my cam at a good angle even t take any pictures from where i was sitting.
hopefully i'll have better luck today when i go there again. who knows!
i'm typing this from
devota's computer. it's a quarter tp three and at 3:30pm there is a panel
i want 2 see about people who put their diaries online, so i want to go to
that but don't know if i'll make it 'cause
1) i have 2 get dressed
2) i have 2 figure out how on earth 2 get there!
it is so strange to be sitting , all alone, in a house that is not mine! she is certainly so very kind and generous! and it's suny outside. i kinda feel like just going and fiding some grass to lay on and just laying there! because i just NEED that. so maybe i'll do that instead! i mean, i have two more days to go to panels after today. one day of laying on the grass would be pretty damn cool.
oo, a cat just came into my room. his name is ernie :)
and i a keeping an eye on my dogs via cams 1 and 4 on ana2 .com :) this time i out too cams on them from two angles so i'd be sure to keep a good eye on them! but of course, it seems they have found the one small corner i cannot see! but i see half of deiter's head as he is laying on the giant stuffed turtle/pillow :)
i think that's all i have 2 say right now...tho it seems i'm leaving a lot out....but if i think of it i'll write it later 2 u :)
i hope i'll be able 2 get connected more when i leave the house...and if i get connected , i hope i can get some semi nice pix. it's always so hard 2 do cool pix with my cam whenever i go to things like this, 'cause i end up talking 2 so many people that i then ignore my cam. so if that happens again, you'll know why!
so just out of curiousity, what would u like me to do 4 u special with the
cam when i get home? :)
Posted by ANA on March 12, 2000 at 19:42:34:
In Reply to: HELLO ANA FROM BRAZIL!!!!!!!!!!!11111111 posted by morgaine on March 12, 2000 at 16:56:14:
no, i just stayed at devota's house all day and laid on her lawn and listened 2 the unusual birds. then tonight there is some sort of party called "frog party" so...i will see what the night holds! now devota is making some pasta and i am showing her a little bit of how mt laptop works and the cell modem and stuff. i am so sleepy. i could have slept all day 'cause of how muh energy i expended last night on so little sleep!
Posted by ANA on March 12, 2000 at 16:43:03:
In Reply to: Re: hello!!! from texas!!!! :)) posted by ee on March 12, 2000 at 16:04:04:
hmmm, i had something more in mind like painting myself blue then lighting
myself on fire :)
maybe u could come over and i will paint both of U blue, then light u both
on fire while i eat poptarts :)
or maybe we should all be blue and light blueberry poptarts on fire :)
eek, i just discovered
that ernie the cat just took a big pee on my hellokitty bag! uck! thank god
it's a mostly plastic bag and there was nothing the bag!!!! so i just washed
that off. ick.
i guess i will not be making friends with the cats here. and the other one,
which is black and i forgot his name...won't even come near me.
i just read the stuff about what's happening today in the booklet thing.and all the panels stop at 5:30 and it's 3:30 guess i give up on trying 2 go there today. so what i'm gonna do is just go drink some coffee and sit in devota's yard and take in the nice weather here and take some nice pictures :)
i'm sure there is probably some party or something tonight that i'll go too.
lemme see, what else...oh ya, after the awards ceremony all these reporters wanted to talk to me and lots had video cam s and wanted me to say stuff. but the room had that loud country band, so i told them all to just wait until i made it into the hall where it would be somewhat more quiet. but i didn't make it into the hall for quite awhile so when i got there only one guy got me speaking extremely fast and unintelligible.
ok...i am starting to stare now, whih means i need more coffee and i need to get outside before the sun goes down...
so bye 4 now :)
ill see if i can get my cam to work outside
Posted by ANA on March 13, 2000 at 02:25:19:
this is part of an
email i sent 2 jason just now...
i went 2 a party with devota put on by
so this is a partial account of that:
i was supposedly at the party of parties tonight. it was pretty stupid and
also pretty cool and nerdy guys keep wanting 2 talk 2 me. some are nice nerdy
and some are just nerdy.
it was a part thrown by
there was a line around the block.
the thing that was cool about this party tho was that they hired this guy
called "the enigma" who is tattooed from head 2 toe in blue puzzle
pieces. so he look like a human blue puzzle and i know about him from reading
the REsearch book called "modern primitives" and also from
he has horns but the kind that are inside your skin and are like nubs than
horns and he told me that they weren't worth the hassle. and he is married
to a woman named "katzen" who is part of his act, too who is totally
tattooed head to toe like a tiger and she even has plastic whiskers pemanently
coming out of her face! she was very kind and i might help her make a website
and maybe a cam. and she is also a tattooist so we talked about that.
then there was a guy that was part of the act called "your neon cowboy"
and he was dressed all in neon and....a cowboy hat. tada:)
and his big trick is he puts a woman into leather straps and chains then picks
her up by his teeth. well, he needed a member of the audience to do
who do u think he picks? ME, of course as i am the smallest woman in the front.
so i got suspended in the air by a neon cowboy by the teeth. i wish to god
u had been there to see it. it was hilarious. there were 500 photographers
there so i hope ONE of them sends me a picture of this in my email.
so i just pretty much sat in front of the stage 4 this all night, watching
the set three times...'cause each time it was different and i marveled at
and the cool thing is i was sitting right next to this very mild mannered
conservative guy who is in charge of putting together the communications for
the usa missile defense system. for REAL.
u know...computers we can't even DREAM of. it was intense.
so i hope he writes me 'cause his brain was crazy. in a good way.
really weird night. so between the human blue puzzle, the tiger lady and the
understated freaking computer genuis guy that was just as amuzed and appalled
by "the enigma" swallowing swords of INCREDIBLE length and width
( who WAS in OBVIOUS pain) was...quite remarkable and i wish i could ftp
it into u...i can't stand that u are not with me to see these things!
oh..and then on the way out a clown stopped me ( it was a circus themed party
) and made me an origami frog. so now, tomorrow if i want, i can have the
clown, named otis, teach me how to make origami and balloon animals...or i
can go see the 7 billion panels that are going on. it's just too much.
i didn't make it to any panels today. i slept until 2pm, i am so exhausted. and i laid in devota's yard, and i was gonna listen to lush on my walkman...but the BIRDS here make THEE coolest sounds like some sort of backwards morning dove. PLUS, there are wild peacocks that i heard but did not see! and a family of racoons.
devota has two cats named ernie and sid. and ernie managed to pee all over my hello kitty bag within minutes of our introduction. so ernie is on my blacklist now. so i felt right at home :)
i can't believe there are two more days of this.
this house is cold, but i'm in the room with the that makes it a bit warmer. she lets me use her computer which is on a dial up.
i have so many cards in my purse. i don't remember any one's names.
i'm going 2 go wash my face, brush my teeth, light a candle and some incense and put on my sadist shirt then try to go right to sleep so i can actually get up tomorrow and go to panels. the film part of this conference is going on at the same time, so it's highly frustrating 'cause i wanna see all the films , too! but i just have no time!!!
Posted by ANA on March 15, 2000 at 15:46:49:
In Reply to: Welcome
home, honey :) posted by EmmettSL on March 15, 2000 at 06:48:59:
i am glad 2 be back, even tho austin is an amazing city! wow, i wouldn't mind
living there at all! altho i hear the summers are intolerable..the WINTERS
jason is still gone. he left a day after i did to go to texas, too! isn't
that weird? except he went to dallas to go to a java teaching course.
he'll be back on friday night, so i have the house to myself for 2 days...which
is a strange feeling! well, so far it hasn't been strange 'cause usualyy he
is gone during the days anyway...but i'm sure as night falls it'll start feeling
weird. especially by tomorrow! i've never had the house to myself. and i've
never been away from him for this long!
the dogs are VERY happy i'm back, and i am VERY happy that i'm with my dogs
again :)
i am still waking more later.
although i did sort through about 6,000 pictures last night that my livegrabs
had saved while i was gone! and soon i'll make an anagram :)
Posted by ee on March 15, 2000 at 17:50:13:
here's an article bout the sxsw thingy and you.
Posted by ANA on March 15, 2000 at 18:48:11:
In Reply to: article
posted by ee on March 15, 2000 at 17:50:13:
that article gave the wrong impression about a bunch of thing about my cam.
1stly, it makes it sound like i, personally, make 1,000-5,000 a month on my
cam, which is untrue. i make 1-2...most often 1,500 , only lately. ( and that's
before taxes)
and also i don't enhance my photos when i go out of the i don't
know why she said that.
plus, i also won people's choice! ( hehe :)
too bad she didn't include the urls to any of our cams.
and when she said that woman addled mostly me and collegecouplecam, that was
because we were the ONLY other panelists on there! ha :)
amanda from amandacam didn't make it, sadly, 'cause i hear she is in the hospital
:( i don't know why :(
Posted by ANA on March 17, 2000 at 16:06:52:
In Reply to: oh ana.....
posted by azurablue on March 17, 2000 at 15:54:32:
i'm a lot better now :) thank u :)
too much over stimulation, not enough quality food or sleep. plus having my
period for 500 years. and then things just ARE stressful. a lot going on in
my life and jason's ,too
i don't have the energy 2 express my happiness at people's loving emails and posts. but i assure u all that i verrrrrrry much appreciate it!!!
i don't know dirty 3 or cat power
can u give the url of the t shirt place to me?
i want to let u all know , too..that long ago i bought a tori cd/ep it was god on it then 3 extra songs.
but ACTUALLY it has FIFTEEN extra songs! i didn't even know this until last night!
so really it is a whole
tori album!
so, everyone go get it!
it's sunny out. 39 degreees. i have to go do errands now.
jason will be home in 4 hours! i haven't seen him in a week!
Posted by ANA on March 20, 2000 at 02:57:46:
In Reply to: Re: unknown
tori album posted by dankitti on March 19, 2000 at 15:03:33:
ya, it only has 4 songs listed on it...the home on the range one, etc
if anyone finds that they find the version i have with the extra 15 songs, lemme know!
i will also write 2 tori and aks her about it...but i cannot guaruntee a reply. i always ask her a ton of questions then she emails me back and answers about 1 in every 10 questions i ask her :) but hey, i'll setlle for one in ten! just that she emails me at ALL is the coolest thing on earth! :)))
Posted by ANA on March 18, 2000 at 12:55:04:
In Reply to: Re: Blue
Up posted by migraine scott on March 18, 2000 at 11:46:31:
spool forka dish is my favourite album i've made so far. i think it's the
best because it was a culmination of 12 years of songwriting on the guiar.
then when i switched to electronic music..i wasn't as familiar with it, so
it sounds less finished. and i didn't record that record with anyone who listened
to electronic music so it was hard 2 descibe to people what to do ( since
i had to get people to play a lot of the parts for me since i can't play keyboards
that well )
Posted by ANA on March 19, 2000 at 16:30:01:
i am meaning 2 write
a lot of responses to a BUNCH of posts in here, but i am still recharging
the batteries of my soul. so don't be offended if i am not responding to a
bunch of posts in here! i am responding to the easiest posts and leaving the
ones that take more energy to type! but i will respond!
i am slowly regaining my energy. i'm still just distant from any type of communication
right now.
but u know'll all get saved up for a later late night typing typo
rampage :)
to everyone with your words of support. thank u so much :) your words are
wheat grass juice ( but tasting much better!) for my soul :)
i am watching this
thing on PBS about money. getting rid of negative thoughts about money. etc
i am realizing i have quite a few blocks about money. or maybe just one. i
want lots of money...but i don't want to have to manage it! so i need more
money to pay someone to manage my money :)
it could happen :)
the thing i don't agree
with that this woman on PBS is saying is that money is more important than
and i don't agree with that. things are better than money. what good is a
load of money in the middle of the wilderness, for instance?
wouldn't u rather have a tent and some food , etc?
money is for buying things. i like things. things are good :)
Posted by ANA on March 20, 2000 at 00:06:05:
In Reply to: Re: Whats
happening here? posted by Stacy on March 19, 2000 at 20:48:10:
pooka is the one standing. pooka is a LOT skinnier than deiter. pooka just
looks weirder and more dr. seuss. he is fluffier and way skinny. deiter looks,
to me, more like a DOG dog..he has more white fur and a lot loss fluffy. deiter
sits on the floor with his back feet spread out behind him like a frog. pooka
runs and walks with a dainty fast gait and deiter squiggles like a rump roast
in a piglet sort of way :)
i will try someday to get some videotape of them moving and making sounds