[01 Mar 2001|04:19pm]
ok, i'm 1/2 way done with the new anagram and sorted out my phone bill situation
and got the sundance channel back on my cable and cleaned and all that stuff.
then my mom called.
i won't even go into it
i'm too pissed to type it all down but what it boils down to is that she just
doesn't believe that i am capable of doing anything. anything at all. like
movng a desk from point a to point b. she even has to tell me that it will
be HEAVY. DUH!!!
like i am completely stupid. and she can call me whatever she wants and talk
down to me, but if i say anything back and express what i'm feeling then i'm
which she has called me numerous times and is really mean of her.
she can call me whatever she wants and if I'M hurt by it then I'M psychotic.
ok. right.
so now we are in the "mom calls and i hang up so she can't leave a message
ya, it's gotten to that.
man, i am i ever pissed off.
gonna go out
2 dinner now with jason in an hour. it'll be good to get out of here and get
some food in me.
[01 Mar 2001|08:50pm]
i put up a new anagram and 11 "new" analogs :)
[01 Mar 2001|11:04pm]
sebastian jumped up all on his own onto the couch yesterday :) and he did
it 4 times today! :))
some guy ,in
my dream, was in the middle of telling me what " tea-bow-ka wok-a-not"
accents o the "tea" and the "a"
i wish i could
remember what that was about...all i know is it wasn't a good dream
[02 Mar 2001|12:21pm]
[ music | Bee Gees - How Deep Is Your Love ]
i am working
on redoing menus for anacam and ana2.
[02 Mar 2001|04:26pm]
[ music | Lene Lovich - Lucky Number ]
ooo aaa boing
[02 Mar 2001|07:04pm]
the cams are offline for awhile cause jason is reconfiguring our network
[02 Mar 2001|09:26pm]
i wonder what my mom is thinking....
[02 Mar 2001|10:03pm]
i wonder what YOUR mom is thinking...
i wrote:
"tell me about tesla and his pidgeons!!! :)"
stacy wrote:
"tesla was in love with pigeons. late in his life he lived in a hotel
in new york and let pigeons live with him in his room. he had one particular
pigeon he loved (supposedly having never had a romance with another human
being, he finally fell in love with this pigeon.) one day she came to him
and told him in a beam of light that she was dying of cancer. several days
later, she died. "
i wrote:
"wow! i so much love pidgeons too. i love their fat little butt walking
way :)
did u ever read a biography on tesla? now i wanna search for a biography about
his life."
any ideas about
books on tesla's life?
[03 Mar 2001|11:07am]
there is a VERY interesting post from terri in her LJ:
read the one called: 10:55 am - Lines of Death
[03 Mar 2001|12:08pm]
i'm combing through thousands of campix that my livegrab saved for a new anagram.
and i put a new anagram up today consisting of silly movies i made on my dig
cam :)
[03 Mar 2001|04:50pm]
ok, i got my plane ticket to go to sxsw, thanks to my friend stacy!
and that's all i have the energy to type. i am thinking about living in my
bathtub for awhile. it's kinda nice in there :)
[03 Mar 2001|10:55pm]
rat catching
by crispin helion glover
[04 Mar 2001|04:06pm]
i'm so excited about the sopranos being on tonight! soooo excited :)
27 days until jason moves out. he is starting the packing process
[04 Mar 2001|06:11pm]
i'm running around all over the house, so it's hard 2 stay on cam..cleaning...looking
for manuals...now i'm trying to figure out an alternate way of hooking one
of my cam's...cause i have this REALLY nice cam that i cannot get to work
yet with my computers...trying again