26th, 2003
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bush and saddam live debate.
i think bush should have a live debate with saddam on tv.
i think that sounds reasonable and civil.
and , at the very LEAST, it couldn't hurt.
i'm not saying it would solve everything. but it would at least be a start
in the right direction.
i think the fact that bush turned down the offer because he said saddam "wasn't
serious" reflects badly on bush and on the american people and makes
him look like a wimp. and i'm not saying saddam isn't a lying snake in the
grass ( as if bush isn't, too ).
i think bush now sounds the way we were taught during the cold war that the communists sounded. pushing our way of life on other people. pushing democracy on everyone. we ARE going to invade another country then occupy then make it have a regime that is acceptable to our government. isn't that what we were afraid the communists would do to us?
i think bush has a god complex. and i think that is sickening and dangerous.
on behalf of the americans who do not think this way, i apologize to the rest of the world for what the government is doing in our name.
it makes me writhe and it makes me cry.
i bought some clouds wallpaper cutouts
so my walls will match my bed.
i think i will paint my walls pink.
pink sky with white clouds :)
i'm cloud happy!
i'm also gonna get some cloud pjs :)