now i'm deleting all my stuff off of simplenet :(
gotta get in
the shower fast and get outside and do errands then hopefully get home in
time to watch oprah and eat something
[07 Feb 2001|02:45am]
do u remember your latest dream?
stacy wrote this in her livejournal [07 Feb 2001|01:42pm]
which u can see at:
here is what she wrote:
i become more fucking appalled by dubya every day. as if john ashcroft weren't enough, today bush decided to shut down the government offices on AIDS and race relations.
this is real, folks. this is the kind of shit that could send me into full-on karen finley mode. if you're not a straight white man making six figures, it's time to take action. even if you ARE a straight white man making six figures, you should take action anyway (provided you enjoy the fact that your girlfriend is still allowed to walk beside you and show her face in public.)
please visit and and show your support. and please, please, please consider donating whatever you can -- money and time are ALWAYS needed -- to AIDS and family planning organizations such as planned parenthood or the gay men's health crisis. even five dollars makes a difference.
having grown up in a small town where accurate information about birth control and prevention of STDs was all but unavailable to teenagers, i feel very passionately about this. within the year after our home economics teacher was fired for passing out condoms (which she bought with her own money and brought to school), i watched at least five girls out of my class of 72 people (including the valedictorian) become pregnant. when you sit with your best friend at age 16 while she's having an abortion; when the kid who was your elementary-school boyfriend is now HIV-positive, it changes your perspective on quite a few things.
AIDS isn't over, and neither is the need for safe, accessible abortion services with no questions asked. we have to continue to fight.
and by the way,
to phyllis mcginty, the aforementioned home-ec teacher: you made a difference.
you continue to do so. the world (and especially fayetteville, arkansas) needs
people like you. thank you.
[07 Feb 2001|02:28pm]
i think my fern is dying because i had it way on top of my desk and i think
it is just hot and dry for it up there. so i have it down now and i'm trying
to resusitate it. send my fern some healing vibes!
can u do reiki on a plant? i would like 2 learn reiki so much
it's snowing out like crazy. so jason is staying home. i heard on the news last night that it's gonna snow for three days!
i am trying to get the motivation to do the errands i was going 2 do yesterday. i guess i have more reason to go out today because the snow is really pretty. it's a wonderland out there. maybe i could take some cool pix with my digital cam of the snow on the branches. it's such a delicate thing i don't know if it would do it justice.
i switched all the computers around yesterday. the only computer that chillcam will work on is the one that i put a new ( used ) harddrive on. it's actually the original anacam harddrive. it's not very powerful as i only needed to send one picture ever 2 minutes.
it has two video
cards but none of them will work with a camera since i put that new harddrive
in. so...the only cam i can get working on it is the logitech. so , for now,
the logitech is what anacam will be.
it's hard to explain the how's and why's of it all....but now i cannot switch
cameras on anacam anymore...and it's not as nice a picture by far. i really
need to just get one more new computer...but then will chillcam work on it??
or i guess what i shouyld get is another brooktree video card for that computer
so i can attach a REAL cam to it.
all i want for my birthday is for chillcam to work on all my computers. if that would happen, my life would be beautiful and anacam would have a zillion more cameras and angles.
but for now,
it's all on ana2...the bedroom cam, the bathroom cam, the thingroom cam, the
huge livingroomcam. please pray that chillcam will get fixed somehow and that
my fern will not die!
[07 Feb 2001|03:01pm]
i like watching the "after the shows" at
ok, i am just whittling away my time here....aaaaa....time to get off my butt
what breed of dog are u? [07 Feb 2001|03:08pm]
i'm a pug
showed me that :)
what flavour are u? [07 Feb 2001|03:13pm]
i'm licorice:
Mmm ... licorice! Strong and edgy, you're the flavor of black jellybeans and
Good 'n' Plentys. Some people absolutely love you (in fact, they might even
find you addictive), but you're definitely not for everyone. But that's okay
with you you'd rather pick and choose your companions. When you have
time for friends at all, that is. Powerful and very potent, you're goal-oriented
and ambitious you don't let much stand in your way. There's nothing
sweet or sugary about you; you're a serious taste that's best suited for the
truly focused. Lingering, enigmatic, and a little hard to pin down, you're
a truly tantalizing treat.
take the test
[07 Feb 2001|03:40pm]
there might be 8 to 10 inches of snow here by tomorrow!
[07 Feb 2001|07:46pm]
i'm looking for myself on the ceiling
do fish feel pain? [07 Feb 2001|08:35pm]
what do think? i say absolutely yes
i've run into quite a few people who don't think that fish feel pain!
here are some places that talk about fish feeling pain:
[07 Feb 2001|09:30pm]
ooo, i just rediscovered my "orbs of wonder" page :)
also i've been
looking through old cam pix and reminiscing
[07 Feb 2001|09:41pm]
old archives of nauru ;)
remember her?
i wonder how she's doing! anyone ever hear from her?
hehe :) i wish i was on whatever i was on when i wrote this [07 Feb 2001|09:59pm]
come and see
for yourself how many typos i make in one sentence!
[08 Feb 2001|12:57am]
back problems? try the orgasm machine!
( i got that
from cera's LJ, )
tests tests tests [08 Feb 2001|12:59am]
shouldn't i go
to bed now?
[08 Feb 2001|01:46pm]
okokokok i really AM doing the errands i said i'd do 3 days ago
what's my problem?
[08 Feb 2001|02:26pm]
i have one very small fish. i don't know what kind it is, but i bought it
in one of those square bio habitat things with the plant and the snail, etc.
would anyone take this fish and put it in their aquarium? i just feel bad
for it being all alone. or will it just get eaten by other fish because it's
so small?
[08 Feb 2001|04:19pm]
it's snowing out again...and into the snow i go...
[08 Feb 2001|08:23pm]
8 a pint of haagen daas chocolate ice cream and i feel WONDERFUL except that
my tongue is frozen :)
[12 Feb 2001|11:19am]the last few days i've been having some rough times with jason. in fact, on saturday, i thought it might even be over...but as of now we are still hanging in there.
so it's been pretty intense for me lately, but u just can't tell.
i'm rearranging the thing room. it's like a rubick's cube in there. i need to find someone who can move the piano down about 3 feet, then i can start getting it back into, hopefully, a better order than it was before.
i also have been obsessing over this house i found that i want to buy so badly. it's 115,000 for almost 7,000 square feet and i'm freaking over it. i can't stop thinking about it and trying to come up with solutions to get it. i could totally pay back a loan, but a bank isn't gonnas give me a loan since i have no credit. i don't really have credit cards, or a car, or anything like that. maybe there is someone out there who would be the bank for me, and i could sign a contract with that person and pay them back. and i certainly could pay it back rather quickly...probably in about 2 years or less. if anyone is interested, email me at
i am open to all possibilities. maybe there is someone out there who would want to but it, and then they can just charge me rent to live in it?
i have a lot
of ideas. if anyone is seriously interested i will let them know all the details
about anything they want to know!
[12 Feb 2001|11:21am]
question of the day:
if u could travel to either time travel to the past or the future, which would
u pick? and then what year would u pick and why?
if u had the
chance to go back in time and kill hitler before the holocaust started, would
u do it?
[12 Feb 2001|11:30am]
what's the biggest mistake you've ever made in your life that u wish u could
[13 Feb 2001|01:15pm]
i'm downloading stuff off napster...since it's the last days u can do it....i'm
in the bedroom doing it, because that computer has more room on it.
[15 Feb 2001|02:16am]
i don't know why all my computers can't get connected to the net except for
this computer, which is jason's.o sorry the cams ae down for tonihjt, hopefully
i'll figure out what the probem is and solve it by the morning!
valentines day [15 Feb 2001|12:52pm]
ok, i'm connected back o the net.
i have so much to tell u!
i wanna tell u about all the cool things i got yersterday from my relative
and also jason is going to move out into his own apartment, but still in this
building. we are still going to be a couple. we just need some space.
more on that later...
SO much going on!!!!!!!
[15 Feb 2001|11:06pm]
i'm looking for persian rugs on ebay ( man are they expensive! )
and jason taught me a bit about quicken
i just want a really large rug for the living room that is cheap!
[16 Feb 2001|10:25am]
today , in an hour jason gets to see the apartment he is going to move in
to, and i'm going with to see, as well :) this is so weird! i'm happy and
excited but also have a stomache ache. i'll bet as soon as i see the apartment,
i'll want that one more than mine ( just cause it's sparkling clean ) :)
[16 Feb 2001|03:30pm]
ok, jason found an apartment he likes and he can move into it on april 1st.
it's just surreal to me. i look around this apartment and try to decide where
i will move all my stuff...i can do anything. i'm excited but i hope i can
afford this place all by myself. i am definitely not going to be able to afford
cable tv and i'll get rid of one of my dsl lines. and i'll turn off the lights
to conserve electricity and i will go back to eating rice and beans and eggs
and peanut butter toast. i'm trying to think of what else i can do to save
money...but i can't think of anything more than that. i don't have health
insurance or any kind of insurance or a car or anything like that to pay.
i gotta figure out how to pay for my mom to continue with her rolfing. i paid for her first 3 sessions, and their are 9 sessions that are 100 bucks each. but she won't pay for this herself, even tho she needs it REALLY badly. she has not even had a massage. she thinks things like that are frivolous. but rolfing is a major healing process and she needs it. already from her 3 sessions she is in less pain than she was before.
then the other day i helped my dad start the task of boxing up one of our relative's apartments. she can't remember anything past 15 minutes ago now, and so now she is in a nursing home. she is a really brilliant woman who never married nadtraveled al over the world all by herself teaching english....way back in the 30's and stuff. pretty bold of her. she lived in japan and in italy for long periods of time. her house is FULL of japanes vases, screens, ceremonial tea ceremony tea sets, fans, umbrellas. at furniture that would make u drool. the screens are going to a museum...but they are pretty beat up cause they are so so old. so i am HOPING AND PRAYING tat i can have them! god, they would be SO much happier with me!!! :)
it's weird how u can just box up a person's house without their knowledge. all her cupboards full of extremely well organized antique dishes and spices. the cupboard doors were full of phone numbers and addresses and memos wriyyen on them, i wish i could have them and frame them. in fact, i just wanted to move in there and i kept telling my dad, " can't we just leave this all as it is and i can move in?" but he didn't seem to think that was possible for some reason, i don't know why. it was really illogical.
she has a pink bathroom with a clawfoot bathtub. maybe it's the kind of place that runs out of hot water a lot, and that would bug me. i keep saying that to myself to make myself feel better. i love her apartment, it's in a mansion on summit ave, the most beautiful streeet in the twin cities. if i lived there it would be so sweet to remember her in it. she was so beautiful with her red hair all swivled up on her head and her jade earrings.
now i have ALL of her slides of all the pictures she tok of her travels. AND two slide projectors. i am talking THOUSANDS of slides all neatly organized in little metal boxes. africa, italy, hawaii, japan....i can't wait to look at them all!
my dad didn't get why i wanted them. he is so like his mother who threw everything away. totally unsentimental. maybe that is a swedish thing. she burned her wedding dress in the back of the barn along with all the old vintage family photos. i could just kill her if she weren't already dead.
i also got a very very old sewing machine and weird looking heavy iron things like a meat grinder. my dad says , " what do u want with a meat grinder???" and i said i wanted to take pictures of it. it's so abstract and pretty. my dad didn't get it.
i also got a shaved lamb and brown. and i got all her rocks and fossils and shells ( score!) ) i am pretty obessed with rocks :)
AND i got her
old canon 35mm model lV S2 !!!
with leather cases and all the gadgets to go with! what do all the gadgets
do?? i don't know! it's so serious and scientific looking. it has a REALLY
nice very solid little compact tripod, too :) i can't wait to try it out!!!
i just need to go to a camera store and ask them how to attach all these gadgets
and lenses to this thing!
think of all the places and times that camera has been. it was made between
late forties early 50's. i'd like to find out more info on it.
and i also got
all her japanese paper fans ( stylin! ) :)
man , she has such good taste! ooo, and lots of very beautiful gloves :) and
they are so SOFT!
it's weird to get so excited about getting things from a person who is perhaps soon to die. someone who i hold very dear. i will always be about 12 years old when i think of her comin over with her stories, and teaching me manners, and giving me fossils and little japanese dolls ( that all got broken by fuckheads i lived with when i was 22. fuckers. )
the sun is just SHINING today. i wish it would do this 24/7. i could get so much done!
i looked on the net to try to find the life span of japanese chin...and it varied from page to page...from 7 years to ten years to 12-14 years. i hope it's 14 years, cause pooka is almost 6 , i think.
i have a lot
more to say, but it's just too sunny to type right now, i gotta dance :)
[16 Feb 2001|03:34pm]
just kill me. i want this so bad, i found it at cera's LJ
do i need that or do i need that?
i need that.
ohmigod help
[16 Feb 2001|06:09pm]
cleaning cleaning...
what else is new?
[16 Feb 2001|08:20pm]
there will be new cams, new angles, and sound for anacam by april :)
i juts have to hang in there with my falling apart equipment for another month.
but by my birthady ( april 18 ) there should be a rebirth of me, the cam,
and it'll be SPRING!!!!!
argh!!! want now! uck! no patience!