anagram 012901

god, will the cleaning ever end?

temporary pink hairspray

i'm a pink troll!

sleeping in the livingroom for the heck of it

stacy goes 2

and talks to me in the bathroom

while i grab screen prints :)

car wash!

jason's dad's birthday :)

[27 Jan 2001|02:27pm]
mmmmm, quicky sex on the floor in the sunlight with meat beat manifesto playing....mmmmmmmmmmmyummmmmmmmmmm yum yum i needed that :)
12 comments|post comment

[28 Jan 2001|02:43pm]
i am in my chatroom chatting and also i am at because stacy from is there and i'm screen printing glimpses of her :)
she went into the bathroom and talk to me for awhile :) heh!

[28 Jan 2001|05:25pm]
it's time 2 drink coffee and clean! the cams should be up in the next few days. more cords are coming my way from angels so that i may hook more computers up 2 my hub and get more cams going.

i'm thinking about buying some jumbo tinker toys..but i wonder how JUMBO is jumbo?
anyone have any of those? i want to build structures with them that i can fit into

[29 Jan 2001|10:48am]
i'm alwaysd waking up really early lately because of nervousness. my dreams are full of nervousness and i can't remember them much when i wake up. they are not deep, just aggravating.
today i hope i clean more. i got almost all the stuff around my desk gone...of course now it's in the hallway instead, which is not good. but at least it is more sorted and the livingroom will look better. i took the fence and took it off from being around my desk because it was drving me's too tall for me to get over without me tripping twice a day and really hurting myself!
it's still around jason' s desk tho
i can't wait until i have my cam sworking again. it could perhaps happen wednesday when some cords i need arrive

i gained back the two pounds i lost. but that could be because i'm back on the pill. i'm on day 8...and i have had no side affects yet except for that.

i'm gonna put the anapix up again soon, so get your anapix in if you've done any :)

[29 Jan 2001|04:34pm]
all i did so far today is scheme and dream up plans with stacy. we talked on the telephone for 3 hours and had to switch phones all the time because they were runnig out batteries!