anagram 012601

[24 Jan 2001|01:33pm]
[ mood | awake ]

i'm resizing all the ananpix to 320x240 so they will all go through the webcam32 cycler better

[24 Jan 2001|04:12pm]
ok, i'm off again 2 do errands. gotta get these faux snaleskin go-go boots that were on sale :) plus i got the wrong shade of foundation at clinique :/

bi bi buggaloos, i'll be back by 6pm cst , cause i'm baking a chicken, and that's when it's done :) mmmmmm :) i put lots of cajun spices on it :)

[25 Jan 2001|05:20pm]
my computer is really fuct up. everything seems to be breaking at once. i need a few thousand bucks to get my camcorders fixed and get another computer. i think it's chillcam that has a memory leak in it. which is such a drag, i need that programmme to work so i can send simlutaneous images to ana2 and anacam both. the only version that DID work for me is 2.3.6 if i upgrade to the newest version it just that "socket disconnected" thing. so right now i'm pretty screwed until i can figure out an all new configuration for everything. plus i havbe so much other work to do that i'm going crazy trying to keep up with it all. which is why i haven't been doping much with the cam because either 1) my computer froze up, ran out of memory and got disconnected from the net or 2) i am frantically running around trying to catch up on bills and housework and stuff and puppies. it's complex. and too boring to explain. but all i know is that i have to rearrabge everything and come up with a new solution for ana2 and anacam. because everything is literally busted and whacky.
i am working my fasted and hardest to rectify this situation. trying to come up with creative solutions, but unfortunately i am not much of a tech head and jason has been working 14 hours days for over 3 weeks now and is going nuts too!

what i need is some $ for a new spider cell modem, a new computer, microsoft access, someone to driev me to the placer where i can get my camcorders fixed and also show me what cords i need to buy for them since many of my cords are full of faults too. that's what happens when u run everything all the time 24/7.

i'm looking around my house for something i could sell on ebay or something...
i will get this fixed. thank u for your patience!

[26 Jan 2001|12:10am]
thank god for humour!
i've been so frustrated all day about my computer breakdowns, so i watched this movie called "orgazmo"
ti made me laugh a lot and now i feel much better :)
now i'm gonna watch "leprechaun in the hood"!

jason is just now traveling home from work, can u believe??? poor guy :/

[26 Jan 2001|02:05am]
tomorrow i'm going 2 make homemade chicken noodle soup and work more on solutions to my computer probs! me sleep now :) orgazmo was much better than leprechaun in the hood :)

[26 Jan 2001|02:00pm]
my computer is still uploading all the stuff that i had on simplenet up to my main server. all the links are getting fixed , thanks to jason :) i'm sorry anacam is still off, but there should be a picture up there perhaps by tonight, if not tomorrow.
i'm gonna try out someother computers i have, but they have 2 get conneced to the hub and i have to find cords for all that and move the computers nearer 2 the hub , 'cause i don't have any really long cords. so i have a lot of cleaning and rearranging 2 do and downloading new things onto the other computers.

maybe the new version of chillcam will work on the other computers, i don't know

but i still have ana2 running on webcam32s

and i have a lot of calls to make and errands to do. thank u for being patient during this time of transition. once i get a new configureation, i hope everything will be back to normal, if not even better than it was :)

[26 Jan 2001|05:10pm]
i'm making my chicken soup. yesterday i boiled it all from the chicken i baked. today i skimmed off the fat and fed it 2 the dogs ( and they were very happy about that :)
and they also got the skin. i got all the bones out, added more salt and pepper and tandoori seasoning ( that i got from maw )
and i added some whole wheat elbow noodles that are all in different colours ( like reddish, greenish, brownish )

the soup should be done soon. i'm trying 2 get sebastian to stop trying 2 eat the vacuum cleaner.

i ordered a call phpen today. yep. i am assimilated!

it's my 5th day of being back on the birth control pill, and i haven't had any waves of nausea yet.

i stopped stretching for 4 i sis a bit today and i as really unlimber again. so i gotta kick my ass more and not slack on that.

i'm hoping my new clinique products will clear up my face more. so far so good :)

and i've lost 2 pounds and so i've lost an inch off my hips/ass :) yay! and i could actually zip my new faux snakeskin go go boots all the way up :)

it never really ocurred to me that if u weigh more than a waif, u just cannot fit into any of the really cool boots! i am surprised that they even sell at all seeing that hardly anyone could fit into them. it made me realize just how small i was at the weight i like to be at.

things to do today still: do an arrand outside in the cold cold zero-esque weather, vacuum the floor, clean the kitchen floor, and clean and organize all the crap that is around my desk so i can move other computers to eb under my desk and i can start experimenting on how to get all my cams functional.

so i better get ready to go outside fast, since everything is gonna close soon.

[27 Jan 2001|01:55pm]
i'm cycling anapic through the webcam32 to anacam so there is SOMETHING 2 look at.
and resizing them all to 320X240 takes a lot of does adding them one by one into the cycler.
i am also working on a new anagram and i gotta stretch soon and get ready 2 go out because jason's dad is celebrating his birthday today.

and today IS my mom's birthday. she's 56 now!

sunday i have to watch the new season of survivor, of course :)

and monday i'm going with my dad to pack up one of our relative's apartments, because sh'e in a nursing home now because she can't remember anything past two minutes. i have a ton to say about's really intense...i'll say it later as i have no time now

esculator 2 11mb .mov
cars 11mb .mov