anagram 012301

me riding an esculator 11MB in .mov form


[23 Jan 2001|03:32pm]
i have so many errands to do today...
but all i wanna do is stretch in the sun and wtach this tv documentary about jane fonda

[24 Jan 2001|12:15am]
clinton's goodbye speech here:

i'll have 2 watch it later, 'cause i missed that.

i did a heck of a lot today and got a lot of excercise
zipped all over doing errands. bought lots of clinque stuff to help out my face
bought the first harry potter book
bought my mom a birthday present...this clear blue orb tea light candle holder thing.
i got one too :)

went to the bank
made a movie of me going up and down an esculator. but i wanna do it over.

does anyone else have a coolpix there anyway to delete a movie you've made on therte that u don't like so u can do it over? all i can se is that u can delete pix, so the way i delete movies from my camera is ii uplaod it to my computer then delete it with the nikon view software

i have so much energy these last few weeks, it's insane!

i feel like i am really getting back to the core of myself again. my connection to the universe is coming's all coming back. things are clicking. i'm not stuck in a rut..i'm moving forward again and it feels so good. the more i move the more energy i have to move even more :)

jaso went to bed a few hours ago. i am soon to follow, but i'll proabaly watch tv in bved cause i'm awake

or maybe i should make another anagram

[24 Jan 2001|11:16am]
go see stacy's new "soap opera" where she is a mad scientist :)

sorry my computer froze up in the night. i really really need to get a second computer!
i push this one too far

i wish i could get 8 hours of sleep. i keeo going to bed at 3 or 4 then getting up at 9 when jason leaves for work

i'm gonna go get a coca cola and try out all my new clinique products :)

i put some faux snake skin boots on hold yesterday. they were on sale for 40 bucks or something. oooooo, they are cool :) the are only size 51/2...but i can smash into them. i can't zip them up tho, but i'll be able to when i get back to my original weight. i've lost lost 2 pounds so far! yay :) so i'm at 117

[24 Jan 2001|12:53pm]
i'm working on getting that gig i took off simplenet onto my other server.
so that's gonna take all day and all my computer power, so i won't be on the computer much today or checking my email or bbs and stuff, 'cause i'm gonna shut down all my programmes and let my computer deal only with dreamweaver ftping.
THEN i can get all the links changed and make everything good again :)
oh ya, and there's another new anagram up of digpix of the fluffsters and a .mov of me riding an esculator. lol ;) i'm gonna take lots more pix today. i have to figure out how 2 change the shutter speed so i can freeze fast action. anyone know anything about shutter speeds?

it's nice and sunny out, so that gives me energy to go do more errands i need to get done today :)

where online could i buy a gigantic plush tare panda? actually i want them in all sizes so i can stack them on each other :)