anagram 012101

the pix above were taken with my laptop and a BW connectix. that's the computer i hope to have a new cell modem on it soon


[21 Jan 2001|07:58pm]
i know the cam has been extremely boring lately, but believe me, a lot is going on behind the scenes that u just don't see...the stuff about fixing things.

and i've been making an effort to stretch each day and do some moderate excercise. i am not improving by leaps and bounds, but i AM improving. and i think a nice moderate process is best for stability in the long run.

[22 Jan 2001|03:22am]
ack. i defragmented my harddrive and it took HOURS!!!
i watched "the last tempation of christ" and read the manual to my nikon coolpix 990 during it.
now, i am soooooo tired!

i made a HUGE new anagram today that took hours contaning the first batch of digital pix i made :) an the pix are so big and full of detail! i am so excited to learn more about this camera! and now i already have enough pictures for two new anagrams!
now i'm gonna figure out how 2 make a movie on it ( it can be up t 40 seconds long , then i can add littlemovies i made with the cam into my anagrams :)
then i'm gonna crash

tomorrow i'm going to the doctor for a check up and pap smear so i can get back on the pill. i HATE getting pap smears! but more than that i HATE getting my finger pricked. i am so scared of needles or whatever it is they use to make u bleed. i almost faint everytime they do it cause i get so wound up.

i'm not afraid of bleeding, i just don't like being cut un purpose...knowing that it's coming...seeing that thing move towards my finger. it freaks me.

ii'm not gonna drag my large cam into the bedroom now that it's 3:30am and jason is asleep. i don't want to wake him up with bangs and clatter 'cause he is so exhausted from being in NYC working his ass off, then he got home and STILL worked every hour. i haven't been able to really spend time with him in weeks!

i hope he gets a good sleep finally...just gonna crawl in with him really quietly.
4 comments|post comment

R.I.P. [22 Jan 2001|01:43pm]
it's gone gone gone...
i backed it all up. gotta switch all my links now on almost every page :/
gonna move it all 2
yahoo took over simplenet and i had a gig on simplenet
yahoo won't let me have a gig :(

as i move this stuff over....the pricve i pay for my server will probably double or triple.

but i pray the universe will provide and all will work out for the best

i'm talking in my chatroom and we are all at napster telling each other 2 download this or that..then we listen 2 it together :)
so stcy downloaded the song "grace" by jeff buckley
now she wants me 2 download jim white's "heaven of heart"
4 comments|post comment [22 Jan 2001|10:43pm]
conversation about abortion happening on my bbs, anarchy.

here was my post:

there are lots of women who are forced to have children, psychologically, emotionally, culturally or because of their religion.
muslim, catholic, incest, rape, ignorance because people don't educate them.
and some women have them because they are really trying to focus on something and feel loved. they feel a baby will fill that void in their soul.

we need more education, more psychological therapy...all that and then some.

it's not about "hmm, can i afford this child right now"

even the pill has a percent it could fail.

the only way to insure not children is through abstinence or having your tubes tied.
or having the men get theirs tied, which is a far simpler and less dangerous procedure.

there is just so much ignorance, d=ffear , insecurity, religion, etc etc etc all tied up in this.

it's not as simple as thinking people will simply ask the question, " can i afford this right now"

and if we ban abortion so there are even more unwanted babies in the world that get psychologically fuct because of it and they end up in jail, institutions, on welfare, having more babies..etc...which isn't that great of an idea.

i mean, YAY! so we saved the unborn child. but who's gonna take care of it after it gets thrown in the trash can or grows up in a home where it's not wanted.

if this is all about money. then think LONG TERM.
what makes SENSE. the public helping with one abortion or the public paying for this poor child's psychological health and bad decisions throughout life?

the world is already grossly overpopulated. no one can say that this doesn't have anything 2 do with u..that u have your own kids, etc..
we are ALL connected. that baby is gonna grow up and maybe even someday be your boss. or be in charge of the government or your health care center when u get older. these are the people that are going to be in charge of everything later on.
these are our neighbours and co workers or whatever!

sure it's nice to save everything when it's young and cute. but what about "adopt a middleaged homely man who is starving in africa or the bronx or whereever"

people just don't think long term here.
we're all in this together. i think that for every single person who goes out to save a fetus should then have the moral and lawful obilgation to then care for that child for the rest of their lives, since they are the ones who want it so much.

i'll bet if that was a law, abortion would stay legal. or if men could get pregnant we wouldn't even be discussing this. it's ridiculous.

blah blah blah argh.


i made some mini movies in .mov format with my digital camera. :) it can only make videos up to 40 seconds.

here are my two first ones ( starring the dogs of course )
they are large files so beware. i need some sort of editing software to get them smaller:

they're both 1.34 MB big

i'm gonna do lots of cool things with this new toy!