things i said in ICQ 2 various people: if i had my way with a bed, it's be round with a big netting around in it and a trillion pillows and blankets all strewn together in a nest. with a cam straight above, so when i sleeped at night it'd be a mandela ya, i had
2 get leopard sheets when i saw them :) i don't
think i'd turn in circles, but it'd be fun to find out! i got the tiger because i had gotten stacy from atomcam that tiger when she was sick in the hospital long ago. and i saw it for $24 and smiling "stacy's tiger!" i want to stick some of the mannequins in bed with my tonight and sleep with them...but i moved them around so much already last night. but i will do that someday. i have all these cool sleepart ideas..but i can't do them until i am sleeping by myself, or sleeping with jason when he doesn't care to be on cam with me too, 'cause i need the "canvas" of the whole bed ya, i want to get outfits that match the bed and light candles and incence around it and arrange everything just so...and then see what i do with it all in my sleep. but i really want it to be a round bed, so it will be a mandela in the campix i want to live with my house being a sculpture, and then me being a sculpture complimenting that within it, and my clothes...everything flowing into each other..and the musiq and sounds of my house becoming the music/soundtrack, and then me taking pictures of this and then me filming me taking pictures of this and then taking poictures of me filiming me take pictures. it's very complex. VERY. i wanna twist wire around my mannequins and have that twist into other things and into holes in walls and everything has this continuity to it. i never decorate because 4 the last 5 years i keep living in places i think i'll move out of soon but since doing this stuff is what i do, i am always then putting much of my life on hold. SO, i'm just going to start creating in here and painting the walls, even IF my lease is up in august, because who knows what will happen? those 5 years i could have made cool things...but i didn't do them because i waited problem is...the things i want to work on are so permanent and expensive that i wopuld want to take them with my when i leave. but i couldn't do that since my paintings and scupltures would go INTO the walls ya, so i've decided to just START and see what happens. i hope that by starting , it will send a signal out to the univers that i am ready for a house that i can make beautiful. there has to be a house out there that will feel my creation and go " do me do me next!" and that is my plan :) everyone says that what i do will devalue the house...or thing i'm painting. i have always felt that the value of it would go UP since i created with it! lol :) i'm such an aries/leo :) yes, i'm
have tried to think of some sort of panelling... i can't
wait to see the house too! i want to write down ..i want to insert my
head into yours! it will be sucha piece! my journals on the walls, secret
boxes hidden in THINGS
i have
yellow eyes they can
look a mossy green if i wear i wear that colour. i went 2 lay i the sun, and stretch, tried to astral project but fell alseep instead. it was a wonderful nap with all my pupsters :) i am having some reeall good " light bulb moments" today. i must be in tune withg stuf more just from stretching and cleaning...i am getting tapped into it justa bit. it is SO exciting to feel it again! oh god
i finallly changed the fucking font and colour in this thing thank god!
it was fuschia lattrers on purple back for a year and it was DRIVING
ME NUTS haha :)
i'm gonna go shake my ass now to get further cobwebs out of my brain.
i typoed that as cobwebs on my rain...which i think is actually even
better :) did u see the movie bjork was in " dancer in the dark" ?? SHE was INCREDIBLE. that film was just WOW. *no words* i make an effort to always watch movies and listen to music with a new uncritical feel. then i tear it apart later ( sometimes ) :) well, the
beginning was annoying, it made me very dizzy. what i go in for first
is the in a song, the melody and overall feel. but ya, sometimes
it is hard to not be critical of things that REALLY bug u that the
songs were so was so bittersweet
a conversation in #anacam took me hours! i edited this big long great conversation and i lost it! i'll have 2 go back into the log to find it...but right now i can't go through that again! :(
and sorry about cams, 2,3,4 and streaming! cam2 was that crappy logitech, i took it off cause i needed that usb port for uploading images from my camera into my computer. well, cam3 is still "working" but it's that black and white one and i think it's on it's last legs. cam4 and the streaming were on my 2nd computer which i really screwed and kept locking or turning itself off. so i shut it off. i have some other i am in the process of putting cams on those. i just need to get windows 99 and then the upgrade on them. cams in transition...that's life. thank u so very very much for your patience as i figure this all out. i'll be making more digital pix, i think, cause i'm in that mode. it's so small and lightweight it's really mobile ( speaking of the mobilecam, i have to order a new spider modem for it and then that will be back on too...then eventually i want to get a nice light little laptop so that mobilecam will be much mich more mobile. and i am learning and working out how to make some little movies from my digital cam and upload those. a lot of people who are on mac have asked me " how can we see the anamates?" i know that someone figured that out. if that person reads this could u please email me there any way i can convert the m1v files into something everyone can see?
i know the cam has been extremely boring lately, but believe me, a lot is going on behind the scenes that u just don't see...the stuff about fixing things. and i've been making an effort to stretch each day and do some moderate excercise. i am not improving by leaps and bounds, but i AM improving. and i think a nice moderate process is best for stability in the long run. i need 2 find someone who can make me a livejournal kind of thing that would be only for ana2 where i would put text and pictures from my cams and digital cams up right as they are made....that really excites me :) and then i wanna make it so only ana2 members can reply to it. maybe i should ask brad if there is some way.... i am working out a lot of new ideas :) if i had a livejournal for ana2, then if i was not on the cam, u could see what i was up to with my digital cam, etc. what do u think of that? :) |