anadream , page 2
Ana, last night I dreamt that AnaDroid was programmed to take over for you while you sleep. In your voice she recited passages from anagrams and diaries, uttered random thoughts, and sang your songs! One of the cams was connected to her "mind's eye", so she was able to project images of her virtual world. :)
i had a dream that ana was on an episode of voyager. in the dream-episode, capt. janeway and seven of nine were on a space station & they were in contact with an alien either on another ship or on a nearby planet, and the alien (played by ana) was on the monitor the whole time. so, ana was an alien on a monitor. that would actually make an interesting episode.
last night i had a dream that i was with jennifer from jennicam and ana and
we were in some apartment thing during new years. i didnt do much, mainly just
observed what was going on. anyways ana and jenni had these round ball shaped
candles made out of nickelodian Floam. kinda weird. anyways they were talking
about what they were worried would go wrong for Y2K (it was new
years of last year). jenni said her laptop was really old and she knew i would
stop running when the clock struck midnight. but ana, on the other hand, was
worried cause goofy Fetik had created some sort of script that would make it
so the green couch was programmed to not let ana sit on it after the year 2000.
so she was worried she would be catapulted off it if she tried to sit on it.
Thought you
might want to add this to your anadream section. I was dreaming this this morning
when the alarm went off. It was long and fairly incoherent, but here are the
salient parts.You
and Jason bought a house, but it wasn't just a house it was more like a
castle in a park. The yard was like a park with walking paths and gazebos. And
the house had a courtyard in the middle for the pookadogs. You invited everyone
for an open house. I think I came with some other people, and I remember bumping
into my brother there and I didn't know he was going to be there (he lives in
Washington state).
The entry way
to the house was like a gift shop and people were exclaiming how that was such
a good idea because people were buying things on their way out. There were anacam
t-shirts and hats and dolls, and some of your artwork. There were two giant
horizontal canvases (the frames were like two frames put together so there was
a divider in the middle) and one was of horses and one was of unicorns. The
unicorns were prancing around and the horses looked like they were in a panic
with their heads thrown up, eyes wide and nostrils flared. Very realistic. They
were done in oil on
canvas. I knew I was going to buy one but I couldn't decide which one.
The whole thing
was like a big party and everyone was congretating in this one big room (like
a meeting room) or in the park, but you kept coming and getting certain people
and bringing them down to the basement where the real party was. It was like
a giant rompus room, very comfortable with leather sofas and bean bad chairs
spread out in conversation groups. There was music and some people were dancing,
other people were talking. You were flitting around and saying hi to everyone.
ee was in one corner playing this flute that wasn't like any flute I've ever
seen. Instead of finger holes you had to roll the flute one way and then the
other to make
notes. It was very pretty. And Morgaine was there too.
Then I saw Jason in one corner by himself typing away furiously at a laptop, so I went over to say hi. He was much older than I thought, he had dark hair with gray at the temples (not what he really looks like either) but I knew in the dream that it was Jason. So I sat down and he started telling me, really excited, what the new house was going to mean for anacam and how you would be bringing in more money than ever and all the plans he had to improve the site and the technology. And he was showing me stuff on the laptop, how you had a wireless connection from anywhere in the house, so no more wires or extension cords!
At one point I got up and explored some more of the house (that's when I saw the courtyard) and went out into the park. There were funky statues and a pond with a little bridge going over it. And paths winding everywhere that didn't go anywhere. It was beautiful.
It's kind of
hard to explain because there was no sequence in the dream. It was like everything
was simultaneous. Like I experienced the basement first, but I knew that I had
been there first even though that's not the sequence I experienced it in the
dream. And I saw the gift shop last, but I had really seen it first. I wish
I had a dream recorder so that I could play it back for you because it was such
an incredible dream, so real and surreal at the same time. I just wish I had
spent more time with you in the dream but you were complaining how there wasn't
time to spend more than 30 seconds with each guest and you had to say hi to
everyone :) (I think
you might have been a little tipsy ;)
hey, this is fuzzy because i dreamt it a coupla days ago, but
i'll give it a go...
in my dream
i had dreds like the size of ur plaits but they
were more like small dreds (think zack de la rocha of rage
against the machine), and it was weird b/c my hair is NOTHING
like that. and it was dyed in like, four different sections,
like rasta colors and then purple or something.
but i was at
a friend's house. mind u, i don't really know
this person, or know that she exists, but in dreamland, this
person was my friend. :) so i was using her comp to check out
this site that supposedly had a feature on u. it was sort of
like a site conceptually. erotica and chick-y
issues, etc. so i went there to see the feature and the intro
page was this weird porn-ish flash deal that flashed your name
too briefly to actually click on it! and i had to sit through
its ugliness a coupla times before i gave up on it. :(
that was basically it, or at least all i can remember.
So I was telling a co worker about a dream I had last night, wherein I was at
Ana's house, but it wasn't her apartment, it was a huge mansion. And she had
this inside balcony-like these two doors that opened up from an
upstais bedroom to a little balcony that overlooked the downstairs area. The
weird thing was the area it overlooked was her kitchen.
In her kitchen,
which was tiled in this fabulous italianate rust colored
stone tile with wonderful mustard yellow tile countertops, there was a counter
- breakfast bar. This is where I was sitting with Ana, and we were talking about
music and art and living life in front of the internet and mostly art really.
Than she told me about how a previous owner of the house had hung himself from
that balcony and when I looked over her shoulder I could see him hanging there.
But she was completely blase about it and I couldn't tell if she could see him
or not so I tried to act all calm and normal when inside I was really scared.
Than I started to notice other people walking through her of them
was fetik, but the rest were all these strangers, and she never acknowledged
any of them and
my skin felt icy cold and all creepy and crawling. I started to look
around rather frantically, seeing all these wadering people (about 8 I think
- the number seems very relevant) and I started to lose track of the conversation
with Ana, and I suddenly stood up the stool I was sitting on scraped across
the tile and made a loud noise and one of the non-people stopped in a doorway
and looked right at me, and started walking towards me, at which point I scared
myself awake.
To which my co worker said...."So, you see dead people?" (A'la The Sixth Sense) which made me laugh.
Celtic King:
There is a heather meadow near the forest of ancient trees. My castle has been built here. It is so far in the future that I cannot tell the year. Ana and Jason are visiting the Queen and I from their territory to the north. We are old, yet young. In today's chronology, I would be considered very old. But in this future, 110 years is middle aged. The technology and medical science had doubled the human life span, then doubled it again. We four, as we sit in the Library, look to be forty or fifty years old.
We are discussing the events of the past, and talking about an upcoming ceremony. I do not have details on WHAT ceremony, but it involves the four of us. We are drinking wine and laughing. It felt good to finally see my friends after so long.
The next part of the dream finds Jason and me in the server room of the castle, trying to figure out why we have lost connection to the ExtraNet. The BioSystems report synaptic connectivity, but there was no neural response to the twitch we sent. Then I woke up.
I contacted
Jason yesterday, as I was having trouble posting to the Anarchy
BBS. He told me that on the same night, he had a dream that included me.
Wierd, huh?
I dreamt that
I was watching tv and the news came on and they were talking about a weird citizen
group who was fighting against nudity and sex on the internet and somehow they
objected to Ana's nudity on her site and wanted to ban her AnaCam site. They
were demonstrating in front of her apartment in Minnesota, and the camera showed
a bunch of old grammas picketing outside her front lobby. They were waving picket
signs that had pictures of bananas on them and they were all chanting "ban
Ana!! ban Ana!! ban Ana!!" over and over again. Bizarre!
Oh, I just remembered that you were in my dream this morning....I was trying
to show you where I got the taxidermy eyes...there were these HUGE vats of them
and when you came running over to dig your hands in them you said "How
do I look?" You were wearing a burger employee place outfit and I said
you kinda looked like Parker Posey in Waiting for Guffman!
Weird, huh?
Thats what I get for eating Thai Food right before bed!
I had this weird
dream in which I was visiting Ana. We were at a outdoor gathering of people
who played some kind of game once a month. I asked Ana when this was and she
said 'march 2000' which I knew was wrong since I new it was april. I decided
that somehow Ana had a made a video tape of some event and edited it into my
memory (It made sense at the time). Later we were in her house. She put on a
old Joy Division album (closer) which had 'Love will tear us apart' on it. I
said I remembered when this came out in 1981. Fetik said something (I don't
remember what) and he had short hair and a moustache (which is odd since I don't
what he actually looks like). that's all for today.
I dreamt last night that I called ana on the phone. I got her phone number out of the phone book; she was listed under ana c voog! So I called her and she answered the phone "This is Miss G" instead of saying hello. Then as soon as she answered I totally didn't know why I called her and I felt really bad because I was invading her privacy and I started apologizing and I felt awful. Then she asked me what I wanted and I had no idea and just kept apologizing. After we hung up I was all paranoid that maybe she had caller ID and would know who I was, and then I realized I had called her from work so it was okay.
At this point my real phone started ringing and woke me up, which I found hilarious.
I am stuck
here at work and I thought I'd write to you to tell you how I had this EXTREMELY
erotic dream about you a couple of weeks ago. It was really funny in a way,
because I don't really
ever have dreams like this, but I thought you'd be interested, so here it is.
It's kinda simple,
actually. I met you, and you kept trying and trying to seduce me, but I was
resistant, at first. You kept flipping your hair around and looking at me with
your penetrating eyes and telling me how you would be so "good to me"
in bed, if I would just go with you to your house. I was still skeptical, but
I relented, wanting to see what would happen. So we get to your house and you
turn all the cams on us and grab me to start kissing me. I ask you why you want
all the cams on us and you say you want to beable to capture this moment from
all angles forever. So I laugh and we start
making out....
I WOKE UP!! Ahhhhhhhh! Even my subconscious is faithful to
my girlfriend! :)